Release notes - DHIS2 Design system: 0.3.0
ANDROAPP-6189 Org Bottom sheet start padding is not correct
ANDROAPP-6218 InputAge NoSuchElementException on spanish translation
ANDROAPP-6112 Add warning color style in Button component
ANDROAPP-6097 Create AssistChip component
ANDROAPP-6192 Implement Horizontal scroll to Org unit bottom sheet
ANDROAPP-5647 Implement spanish translations
ANDROAPP-6217 Transifex integration
ANDROAPP-6191 Select input field clickability issue
ANDROAPP-5739 Improve key value functionality
ANDROAPP-6319 Create navigation bar
ANDROAPP-5165 Add custom colors to tags
ANDROAPP-6309 Add scrollable content to ListCard
ANDROAPP-5394 Add Expandable List Cards
ANDROAPP-6188 Fix Continuous deployment job
ANDROAPP-6136 Update compose multiplatform, kotlin and gradle libraries
ANDROAPP-6214 Update compose version to 1.6.11
ANDROAPP-6266 Create a Job to generate snapshots
ANDROAPP-6256 Init mobile UI documentation
ANDROAPP-6259 Adapt showcase app for release
ANDROAPP-6392 Unify Date return values