1.14.0 (2021-09-28)
Bug Fixes
approval-status-tag: fix time-ago messages (#87 ) (adb0d1d )
approval-status-tag: unset max width of Tag component (#67 ) (6235aa4 )
bottom-bar: update button state before unmounting via refresh (#66 ) (854d3dc )
clear all selections button: make button "small" (DHIS2-11674) (2ab2929 )
context select: remove top/bottom padding (009aa2a )
data set count label: adjust font-size / line-height (DHIS2-11680) (819b93c )
data set display table: table should use only needed space (DHIS2-11678) (68b7048 )
noop: trigger release process (3b7dece )
period-select: display periods in reverse chronological order (#88 ) (9d8982f )
period-select: respect system settings for date formats when rendering Daily periods (#89 ) (b2f36dc )
status-tag: adjust date/time for server-client timezone offset (#74 ) (ef1cafd )
data-workspace: show notification for non-default form types (#65 ) (a50ba16 )
status-tag: show user and date/time if approved (#62 ) (9f76cf0 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.