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Refactor dhall-toml code (#2548)
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This is a (mostly) behavior-preserving refactor of the `dhall-toml`
package since I was planning on working on #2509 and wanted to first
refactor the code a bit more to my liking.

The only actual change is that the `Show` instance for `CompilerError`
is now the derived one and I moved that logic to the `displayException`
  • Loading branch information
Gabriella439 authored Nov 21, 2023
1 parent e8c8790 commit c8fbc37
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Showing 2 changed files with 381 additions and 288 deletions.
323 changes: 184 additions & 139 deletions dhall-toml/src/Dhall/DhallToToml.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -103,34 +103,36 @@ module Dhall.DhallToToml
, CompileError
) where

import Control.Exception (Exception, throwIO)
import Control.Exception (Exception)
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|)))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Data.Void (Void)
import Dhall.Core (DhallDouble (..), Expr)
import Dhall.Map (Map)
import Dhall.Toml.Utils (fileToDhall, inputToDhall)
import Prettyprinter (Pretty)
import Toml.Type.Key (Key (Key, unKey), Piece (Piece))
import Toml.Type.Printer (pretty)
import Toml.Type.Key (Key(..), Piece (Piece))
import Toml.Type.AnyValue (AnyValue(..))
import Toml.Type.TOML (TOML)

import qualified Data.Bifunctor as Bifunctor
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text.IO
import qualified Dhall.Core as Core
import qualified Dhall.Map as Map
import qualified Dhall.Pretty
import qualified Dhall.Util
import qualified Options.Applicative as OA
import qualified Options.Applicative as Options
import qualified Paths_dhall_toml as Meta
import qualified Prettyprinter.Render.Text as Pretty
import qualified Toml.Type.AnyValue as Toml.AnyValue
import qualified Toml.Type.TOML as Toml.TOML
import qualified Toml.Type.Value as Toml.Value
import qualified Toml.Type.AnyValue as AnyValue
import qualified Toml.Type.Printer as Printer
import qualified Toml.Type.TOML as TOML
import qualified Toml.Type.Value as Value

-- $setup
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -226,15 +228,15 @@ insert = Text.unpack . Pretty.renderStrict . Dhall.Pretty.layout .
>>> import Toml.Type.Printer
>>> f = makeRecordField
>>> let toml = dhallToToml $ RecordLit [("foo", f $ NaturalLit 1), ("bar", f $ TextLit "ABC")]
>>> toml == Right (TOML {tomlPairs = HashMap.fromList [("foo",AnyValue (Toml.Value.Integer 1)),("bar",AnyValue (Toml.Value.Text "ABC"))], tomlTables = HashMap.fromList [], tomlTableArrays = HashMap.fromList []})
>>> toml == Right (TOML {tomlPairs = HashMap.fromList [("foo",AnyValue (Value.Integer 1)),("bar",AnyValue (Value.Text "ABC"))], tomlTables = HashMap.fromList [], tomlTableArrays = HashMap.fromList []})
>>> fmap Toml.Type.Printer.pretty toml
Right "bar = \"ABC\"\nfoo = 1\n"
dhallToToml :: Expr s Void -> Either CompileError TOML
dhallToToml e0 = do
r <- assertRecordLit (Core.normalize e0)
toTomlTable r
dhallToToml expression = do
record <- assertRecordLit (Core.normalize expression)
toTomlTable record

-- empty union alternative like < A | B >.A
pattern UnionEmpty :: Text -> Expr s a
Expand All @@ -243,158 +245,201 @@ pattern UnionEmpty x <- Core.Field (Core.Union _) (Core.FieldSelection _ x _)
pattern UnionApp :: Expr s a -> Expr s a
pattern UnionApp x <- Core.App (Core.Field (Core.Union _) _) x

assertRecordLit :: Expr Void Void -> Either CompileError (Map.Map Text (Core.RecordField Void Void))
:: Expr Void Void
-> Either CompileError (Map Text (Core.RecordField Void Void))
assertRecordLit (Core.RecordLit r) = Right r
assertRecordLit (UnionApp x) = assertRecordLit x
assertRecordLit e = Left $ NotARecord e

toTomlTable :: Map.Map Text (Core.RecordField Void Void) -> Either CompileError TOML
toTomlTable :: Map Text (Core.RecordField Void Void) -> Either CompileError TOML
toTomlTable r = foldM (toTomlRecordFold []) (mempty :: TOML) (Map.toList r)

toTomlRecordFold :: [Piece] -> TOML -> (Text, Core.RecordField Void Void) -> Either CompileError TOML
toTomlRecordFold curKey toml' (key', val) = toToml toml' newKey (Core.recordFieldValue val)
append :: [Piece] -> Piece -> NonEmpty Piece
append [] y = y :| []
append (x:xs) y = x :| xs ++ [y]
newKey = Key $ append curKey $ Piece key'

toToml :: TOML -> Key -> Expr Void Void -> Either CompileError TOML
toToml toml key expr = case expr of
Core.BoolLit a -> return $ insertPrim (Toml.Value.Bool a)
Core.NaturalLit a -> return $ insertPrim (Toml.Value.Integer $ toInteger a)
Core.IntegerLit a -> return $ insertPrim (Toml.Value.Integer a)
Core.DoubleLit (DhallDouble a) -> return $ insertPrim (Toml.Value.Double a)
Core.TextLit (Core.Chunks [] a) -> return $ insertPrim (Toml.Value.Text a)
Core.App Core.None _ -> return toml
Core.Some a -> toToml toml key a
UnionEmpty a -> return $ insertPrim (Toml.Value.Text a)
UnionApp a -> toToml toml key a
:: [Piece]
-> (Text, Core.RecordField Void Void)
-> Either CompileError TOML
toTomlRecordFold curKey toml (key, val) =
toToml toml (Piece key :| curKey) (Core.recordFieldValue val)

toToml :: TOML -> NonEmpty Piece -> Expr Void Void -> Either CompileError TOML
toToml toml pieces expr = case expr of
Core.BoolLit a ->
insertPrim (Value.Bool a)

Core.NaturalLit a ->
insertPrim (Value.Integer (toInteger a))

Core.IntegerLit a ->
insertPrim (Value.Integer a)

Core.DoubleLit (DhallDouble a) ->
insertPrim (Value.Double a)

Core.TextLit (Core.Chunks [] a) ->
insertPrim (Value.Text a)

UnionEmpty a ->
insertPrim (Value.Text a)

UnionApp a ->
toToml toml pieces a

Core.Some a ->
toToml toml pieces a

Core.App Core.None _ ->
return toml

Core.ListLit _ a -> case toList a of
-- empty array
[] -> return $ insertPrim (Toml.Value.Array [])
-- TODO: unions need to be handled here as well, it's a bit tricky
-- because they also have to be probed for being a "simple"
-- array of table
union@(UnionApp (Core.RecordLit _)) : unions -> do
tables' <- case mapM assertRecordLit (union :| unions) of
Right x -> mapM toTomlTable x
Left (NotARecord e) -> Left (HeterogeneousArray e)
Left x -> Left x
return $ Toml.TOML.insertTableArrays key tables' toml
insertTables (union :| unions)

record@(Core.RecordLit _) : records -> do
tables' <- case mapM assertRecordLit (record :| records) of
Right x -> mapM toTomlTable x
Left (NotARecord e) -> Left (HeterogeneousArray e)
Left x -> Left x
return $ Toml.TOML.insertTableArrays key tables' toml
insertTables (record :| records)

-- inline array
a' -> do
anyList <- mapM toAny a'
let arrayEither = Toml.AnyValue.toMArray anyList
array <- Bifunctor.first (const $ HeterogeneousArray expr) arrayEither
return $ insertPrim array
Core.RecordLit r ->
(inline, nested) = Map.partition (isInline . Core.recordFieldValue) r
if null inline
-- if the table doesn't have inline elements, don't register
-- the table, only its non-inlined children. Ex:
-- [a] # bad
-- [b]
-- c = 1
-- [a.b] # good
-- c = 1
then foldM (toTomlRecordFold $ toList $ unKey key) toml (Map.toList nested)
else do
-- the order here is important, at least for testing, because
-- the PrefixMap inside TOML is dependent on insert order
inlinePairs <- foldM (toTomlRecordFold []) mempty (Map.toList inline)
nestedPairs <- foldM (toTomlRecordFold []) inlinePairs (Map.toList nested)
return $ Toml.TOML.insertTable key nestedPairs toml
_ -> Left $ Unsupported expr
insertPrim :: Toml.Value.Value a -> TOML
insertPrim val = Toml.TOML.insertKeyVal key val toml

-- checks if the value should be represented as an inline key/value
-- pair. Elements that are inlined are those that do not have a
-- [header] or [[header]]. One edge case is tables within multiple
-- arrays, though not currently supported by tomland, can only
-- be represented as inline tables.
isInline v = case v of
Core.BoolLit _ -> True
Core.IntegerLit _ -> True
Core.NaturalLit _ -> True
Core.DoubleLit _ -> True
Core.TextLit _ -> True
Core.ListLit _ s -> case Seq.lookup 0 s of
Nothing -> True
Just (Core.BoolLit _) -> True
Just (Core.NaturalLit _) -> True
Just (Core.DoubleLit _) -> True
Just (Core.TextLit _) -> True
Just (Core.ListLit _ _) -> True
_ -> False
_ -> False

rightAny = Right . Toml.AnyValue.AnyValue

-- toAny is a helper function for making lists so it returns a list
-- specific error, in particular tomland's inability to represent
-- tables in multi-dimensional arrays
toAny :: Expr Void Void -> Either CompileError Toml.AnyValue.AnyValue
toAny e = case e of
Core.BoolLit x -> rightAny $ Toml.Value.Bool x
Core.IntegerLit x -> rightAny $ Toml.Value.Integer x
Core.NaturalLit x -> rightAny $ Toml.Value.Integer $ toInteger x
Core.DoubleLit (DhallDouble x) -> rightAny $ Toml.Value.Double x
Core.TextLit (Core.Chunks [] x) -> rightAny $ Toml.Value.Text x
UnionEmpty x -> rightAny $ Toml.Value.Text x
UnionApp x -> toAny x
Core.ListLit _ x -> do
anyList <- mapM toAny $ toList x
case Toml.AnyValue.toMArray anyList of
Right x' -> rightAny x'
Left _ -> Left $ HeterogeneousArray expr
Core.RecordLit _ -> Left $ UnsupportedArray e
_ -> Left $ Unsupported e
expressions -> do
anyValues <- mapM toAnyValue expressions

case AnyValue.toMArray anyValues of
Left _ -> Left (HeterogeneousArray expr)
Right array -> insertPrim array

Core.RecordLit r -> do
let (inline, nested) =
Map.partition (isInline . Core.recordFieldValue) r

-- the order here is important, at least for testing, because the
-- PrefixMap inside TOML is dependent on insert order
let pairs = Map.toList inline <> Map.toList nested

if null inline
-- if the table doesn't have inline elements, don't register the table,
-- only its non-inlined children. Ex:
-- [a] # bad
-- [b]
-- c = 1
-- [a.b] # good
-- c = 1
then do
foldM (toTomlRecordFold (toList pieces)) toml pairs
else do
newPairs <- foldM (toTomlRecordFold []) mempty pairs
return (TOML.insertTable key newPairs toml)
_ ->
Left (Unsupported expr)
key :: Key
key = Key (NonEmpty.reverse pieces)

insertPrim :: Value.Value a -> Either CompileError TOML
insertPrim val = return (TOML.insertKeyVal key val toml)

insertTables :: NonEmpty (Expr Void Void) -> Either CompileError TOML
insertTables expressions = do
tables <- case mapM assertRecordLit expressions of
Right x -> mapM toTomlTable x
Left (NotARecord e) -> Left (HeterogeneousArray e)
Left x -> Left x
return (TOML.insertTableArrays key tables toml)

-- checks if the value should be represented as an inline key/value pair.
-- Elements that are inlined are those that do not have a [header] or
-- [[header]]. One edge case is tables within multiple arrays, though not
-- currently supported by tomland, can only be represented as inline tables.
isInline v = case v of
Core.BoolLit _ -> True
Core.IntegerLit _ -> True
Core.NaturalLit _ -> True
Core.DoubleLit _ -> True
Core.TextLit _ -> True
Core.ListLit _ s -> case Seq.lookup 0 s of
Nothing -> True
Just (Core.BoolLit _) -> True
Just (Core.NaturalLit _) -> True
Just (Core.DoubleLit _) -> True
Just (Core.TextLit _) -> True
Just (Core.ListLit _ _) -> True
_ -> False
_ -> False

-- toAnyValue is a helper function for making lists so it returns a list
-- specific error, in particular tomland's inability to represent tables in
-- multi-dimensional arrays
toAnyValue :: Expr Void Void -> Either CompileError AnyValue
toAnyValue expression = case expression of
Core.BoolLit x ->
Right (AnyValue (Value.Bool x))
Core.IntegerLit x ->
Right (AnyValue (Value.Integer x))
Core.NaturalLit x ->
Right (AnyValue (Value.Integer (toInteger x)))
Core.DoubleLit (DhallDouble x) ->
Right (AnyValue (Value.Double x))
Core.TextLit (Core.Chunks [] x) ->
Right (AnyValue (Value.Text x))
UnionEmpty x ->
Right (AnyValue (Value.Text x))
UnionApp x ->
toAnyValue x
Core.ListLit _ x -> do
anyList <- mapM toAnyValue (toList x)
case AnyValue.toMArray anyList of
Right x' -> Right (AnyValue x')
Left _ -> Left (HeterogeneousArray expr)
Core.RecordLit _ ->
Left (UnsupportedArray expression)
_ ->
Left (Unsupported expression)

data Options = Options
{ input :: Maybe FilePath
, output :: Maybe FilePath

parserInfo :: OA.ParserInfo Options
parserInfo =
(OA.helper <*> versionOption <*> optionsParser)
(OA.fullDesc <> OA.progDesc "Convert Dhall to TOML")
parserInfo :: Options.ParserInfo Options
parserInfo =
(Options.helper <*> versionOption <*> optionsParser)
(Options.fullDesc <> Options.progDesc "Convert Dhall to TOML")
versionOption = OA.infoOption (showVersion Meta.version) $
OA.long "version" <> "Display version"
versionOption =
Options.infoOption (showVersion Meta.version)
(Options.long "version" <> "Display version")

optionsParser = do
input <- OA.optional . OA.strOption $
OA.long "file"
<> "Read Dhall from file instead of standard input"
<> fileOpts
output <- OA.optional . OA.strOption $
OA.long "output"
<> "Write TOML to a file instead of standard output"
<> fileOpts
pure Options {..}
fileOpts = OA.metavar "FILE" <> OA.action "file"
input <- (Options.optional . Options.strOption)
( Options.long "file"
<> "Read Dhall from file instead of standard input"
<> Options.metavar "FILE"
<> Options.action "file"

output <- (Options.optional . Options.strOption)
( Options.long "output"
<> "Write TOML to a file instead of standard output"
<> Options.metavar "FILE"
<> Options.action "file"

pure Options{..}

{-| Runs the @dhall-to-toml@ command
dhallToTomlMain :: IO ()
dhallToTomlMain = do
Options {..} <- OA.execParser parserInfo
Options{..} <- Options.execParser parserInfo

resolvedExpression <- maybe inputToDhall fileToDhall input
toml <- case dhallToToml resolvedExpression of
Left err -> throwIO err
Right toml -> return toml
maybe Text.IO.putStrLn Text.IO.writeFile output $ pretty toml

toml <- Core.throws (dhallToToml resolvedExpression)

let text = Printer.pretty toml

case output of
Just file -> Text.IO.writeFile file text
Nothing -> Text.IO.putStrLn text

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