Allow doing Mutate and Alter Operations using Ratel(Dgraph browser).
Export now uses correct blank node syntax.
now also removes the schema for the attribute (previously it just removed the edges).
Tablet metadata is removed from Zero after deletion of predicate.
LRU size is changed dynamically now based on max_memory_mb
RunValueLogGC is called for every GB increase in size of value logs.
Prohibit string to password schema change.
Make purging less aggressive.
Check if GraphQL Variable is defined before using.
Language tag parsing in queries now accepts digits (in line with RDF parsing).
Ensure that GraphQL variables are declared before use.
Membership stream doesn't get stuck if node steps down as leader.
Fix issue where sets were not being returned after doing a S P * deletion when part of same
Empty string values are stored as it is and no strings have special meaning now.
Correctly update order of facetMatrix when orderdesc/orderasc is applied.
Allow live and bulk loaders to work with multiple zeros.
Fix sorting for predicates with multiple language tags.
Fix alias edge cases in normalize directive.
Allow reading new index key mutated as part of same transaction.
Fix bug in value log GC in badger.
SIGINT now forces a shutdown after 5 seconds when there are pending RPCs.
You can’t perform that action at this time.