This was my first attempt into a MUGEN character back in late 2009 (See the ReadmeOld.txt if you want more info). It's basically an edit of OmegaPsycho's old Blossom character, fully optimized with better AI and moves... in addition to Mortal Kombat style moves because I could, at least back then.
As of now though, the MK style is now absent from this version. However, the MK version is available in a separate branch. Just click on the branch dropdown box and select "mk-style". This is where you'll find the MK version of DG Blossom. I will be updating that as well.
This character is currently in its beta stage.
Feel free to report any bugs in the issues tab and leave any suggestions with regards to what features you want in the character.
Click on "Clone or Download" and click on the Download ZIP option. Then, extract it into the chars folder of your root MUGEN folder. The ZIP file should come in its own folder and you'll want to be sure that the folder name itself is the same as the .def file. Otherwise, it will NOT show up on your roster.
-F = move forward
-B = move back
-U = Jump
-D = Duck
-a = low kick
-b = high kick
-x = low punch
-y = high punch
-z = dodge (back = B, z) (forward = F, z)
-Sweep Kick: B, a
-Roundhouse Kick: B, b
-Laser Eyes (also in air): D, F, y
-Diagonal Laser Eyes: D, B, x
-Rayo Rosa (also in air): D, F, x
-Diagonal Rayo Rosa: D, B, x
-Dash: D, B, x
-Super Dash: D, B, y
-Ice Blast (also in air): D, DF, F, b
-Diagonal Ice Blast: D, DB, B, b
-Ice Puddle: D, DB, B, a
-Aerial Uppercut: B, DB, B, x
-Super Aerial Uppercut: B, DB, B, y
-Energy Leash: B, B, x
-Mega Laser Beam (Level 1): D, B, D, F, a
-Super Fist Combo (Level 1): D, F, D, B, x
-Maximum Blossom (Level 1): D, B, D, F, x
-Super Ice Breath (Level 2): D, B, D, F, b
-Electric Fingers (Level 2): D, F, D, B, y
-Lightning Beam (Level 3): D, DF, F, x+y
-Triple Lasers (Level 3): D, F, D, B, c
-Bio Force Rosa [BFR] (Level 3): D, DF, F, a+b
-OmegaPsycho for giving me permission to do the edit.
-Binho for his Super Laser and Super Freeze Special FX.
-TopKirby8305 for some of his ideas
-IsoJere666 (aka Inferno) for his idea on the Summon a DooM fatality
-(If I forget somebody, I apologize and please let me know so that I can add you to the credits list.)