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Officially the easiest and fastest way to run dfinance testnet node


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dfinance bootstrap

If you're willing to try our testnet/mainnet it's the right place to start. With this code you can run your first blockchain node in 4 steps.

What you get

  • dstation - blockchain daemon connected to testnet/mainnet; you've probably seen it but here's official repository
  • dvm - dfinance vm - essential component to our blockchain

Important: all of the containers used in this composition are already on Docker hub, so if you want to try it yourself - here's the link.

Four step guide into testnet/mainnet

Step 1 - Check requirements

For this option to work you'll need Docker (v18.06.0+)

Step 2 - Clone this repo

git clone [email protected]:dfinance/bootstrap.git dfinance-bootstrap
cd dfinance-bootstrap

Step 3 - Set environment in .env

Application uses .env file as config.
If you want to connect to mainnet then use .env.mainnet:

cp .env.mainnet .env

If to testnet, then you need .env.testnet:

cp .env.testnet .env

You can customize it, but for the first run it's not that important.

nano .env # or vi .env # or any editor you choose

Step 4 - Run node

docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d

If you need to enable rest-api (1317 port),
you need to edit the settings file
app.toml -> "[api]" -> "enabled = true"
(note, the configuration files appear after the first launch):

nano config/.dstation/app.toml

and restart the node:

docker-compose restart

To check if it works let's do few simple requests:

curl localhost:1317/node_info     # node info check
curl localhost:1317/blocks/latest # get last block

See Swagger UI for full API reference.

Additional commands

Pull newest version and restart containers

docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d

Stop everything

docker-compose down

Open terminal inside running container

docker-compose exec PUT_SERVICE_HERE sh

docker-compose exec node sh
docker-compose exec dvm sh

Advanced use (optional)

Initialization of dstation config (mainnet)

docker-compose run --rm --no-deps --entrypoint '' node dstation init my-node-name --chain-id dn-alpha-mainnet-v1-1-0
  • --rm - remove container after it's been used
  • --no-deps - run without dependencies
  • --entrypoint '' - disabling entry point for this run
  • dstation - docker-compose service name
  • dstation init my-node-name --chain-id dn-alpha-mainnet-v1-1-0 - init command which is run in container
  • my-node-name - node name/moniker

Custom Configuration

Important!!! See the .env.testnet and .env.mainnet variable files for the exact values for testnet/mainnet.

In case you're running a local network or experimenting with setup, you can use these configuration variables:

  • REGISTRY_HOST - (default: Docker registry address
  • REGISTRY_GROUP - (default: dfinance) Docker registry user/group
  • CHAIN_ID - Tendermint chain-id
  • GENESIS_RPC_ENDPOINT - Url for download genesis
  • EXTERNAL_ADDRESS - (default: none) Address to advertise to peers for them to dial (Set your public IP, example: tcp://x.x.x.x:26656)
  • NODE_SEEDS - Comma separated list of seed nodes to connect
  • PERSISTENT_PEERS - Comma separated list of nodes to keep persistent connections
  • NODE_MONIKER - (default: my-first-dfinance-node) Node name/moniker
  • NODE_TAG - (default: latest) Docker version tag for dstation
  • DVM_TAG - (default: latest) Docker version tag for dvm

Additional configuration options can be found in config/*.toml files.

Easy-fast deployment of the validator (mainnet)

You need to have installed:

And execute the following commands, substituting the required values:

cd /opt
git clone
cd bootstrap

# Generate .env file
cat << EOF > .env
REGISTRY_GROUP=dfinance,[email protected]:26656

# add alias
cat << EOF >> ~/.profile
alias dstation="docker-compose -f /opt/bootstrap/docker-compose.yml exec node dstation"

# start node
docker-compose pull	# Get latest docker container
docker-compose up -d

# show logs
docker-compose logs -f --tail 10

# If you need to enable rest-api (1317 port),
# you need to edit the settings file 
# app.toml -> "[api]" -> "enabled = true"
# (note, the configuration files appear after the first launch):
nano config/.dstation/app.toml
# and restart the node:
docker-compose restart

# configure dstation
dstation config chain-id dn-alpha-mainnet-v1-1-0
dstation config output text
dstation config node

# generate new mnemonic
dstation keys mnemonic

# create account
dstation keys add -i <my-account>

# show pubkey
dstation tendermint show-validator

# add validator
dstation tx staking create-validator \
  --amount=2500000000000000000000xfi \
  --pubkey=<pub_key> \
  --moniker=<moniker> \
  --commission-rate="0.10" \
  --commission-max-rate="0.20" \
  --commission-max-change-rate="0.01" \
  --min-self-delegation="2500000000000000000000" \
  --from <my-account>


If you've got any questions or if something went wrong, feel free to open an issue.


Officially the easiest and fastest way to run dfinance testnet node







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