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Releases: devshareacademy/phaser-3-typescript-games-and-examples

Phaser 3 Connect Four Game Prototype

09 Sep 17:07
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This release contains the starting and ending code for the Phaser 3 Game Prototyping Series - Connect Four.

To learn more about how to quickly prototype this game using the Phaser 3 library, you can watch this video on YouTube here:

Phaser 3 Load Assets Via JSON Pack Example

03 Jul 02:41
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This release contains the code for the example: Phaser 3 - Load Assets Via JSON Pack Example.

Example can be found here:

The completed code can be found here:

To learn more about this example, you can watch this video on YouTube here:

Phaser 3 Load & Create Animations Via JSON Example

03 Jul 13:35
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This release contains the code for the example: Phaser 3 - Load & Create Animations Via JSON Example.

Example can be found here:

The completed code can be found here:

To learn more about this example, you can watch this video on YouTube here:

Phaser 3 Loader Plugin Example

28 May 02:23
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This release contains the code for the example: Phaser 3 - Loader Plugin Example.

Example can be found here:

The completed code can be found here:

To learn more about this example, you can watch this video on YouTube here:

Phaser 3 Arcade Physics Conveyor Belt Example

03 May 12:49
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This release contains the starting and ending code for the example: Phaser 3 - Arcade Physics Conveyor Belt.

Example can be found here:


To learn more about this example, you can watch this video on YouTube here:

Coming soon...

Phaser 3 Geometry Mask Scene Transition

26 Apr 16:07
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This release contains the starting and ending code for the example: Phaser 3 - Scene Transition With Geometry Mask.

Example can be found here:


To learn more about this example, you can watch this video on YouTube here:

Phaser 3 Bitmap Mask Scene Transition

26 Apr 15:31
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This release contains the starting and ending code for the example: Phaser 3 - Scene Transition With Bitmap Mask.

Example can be found here:


To learn more about this example, you can watch this video on YouTube here:

Phaser 3 Shaders Battle Scene Transitions

15 Apr 19:59
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This release contains the starting and ending code for the Phaser 3 Shaders - Create Pokemon Like Battle Scene Transitions.

Example can be found here:

To learn more about this example, you can watch this video on YouTube here:

Phaser 3 Shader Basics

29 Mar 18:47
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This release contains the starting and ending code for the Phaser 3 Shader Basics example.

Example can be found here:

To learn more about this example, you can watch this video on YouTube here:


14 Jan 21:21
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This release contains the starting and ending code for the Phaser 3 Game Prototyping Series - Simon. To learn more about how to quickly prototype this game using the Phaser 3 library, you can watch this video on YouTube here: