Admin panel with Backend in Django using DRF and forntend with React (using hooks and Redux)
This project is a small arhchetype implementing the following technologies and features:
It consists on two main applications, one set for the backend with Django a DRF. The other one being the front-end client built with React and Redux
The backend is pretty simple, it's a normal Django project consisting on one main app (endpoints) wich exposes several models with their related serializers and views. It also implements the Django built-in User model for authentication and Rest-Auth package with token authentication. Every class uses the "Is authenticated" permission class.
The frontend application has been built with modern React and ES6 specifications in mind, working with latest React Hooks even for Redux. Every component is an arrow function component
and many of them utilize different hooks to provide functionalities in different ways, most used ones being useDispatch
to dispatch actions with Redux and useSelector
to read the state from Redux and use it in a component variable; and 'useEffect' and 'useState'.
It also utilizes React-Router-Dom with custom PrivateRoutes, which works together with Django permissions to provide a secure and private app.
Use your favourite venv tool like pipenv or simply the built in venv:
python -m venv venvname
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd frontend
npm install
In frontend folder:
npm start
In backend/admin folder (with venv activated):
python migrate
python createsuperuser
python runserver