Team Members
Uthsav Shetty
Dileep Ravindranath Holla
Swarna Ananthaswamy
⚠️ The instance hosting this Web Application has been shutdown to avoid recurring AWS Charges. Follow instructions below to setup and deploy your own Streamlit Application
Scalable Data Pipeline for scraping/collecting articles, generating text summaries & sentiment analysis, benchmarking ROUGE scores, and deploying them on the cloud to run completely on a Serverless Infrastructure on-demand. Summarization is done using bert
models based on the HuggingFace Pytorch transformers library to run extractive summarizations.
The pipeline requires an Amazon Web Services account to deploy and run. Signup for an AWS Account here. The pipeline uses the folllowing AWS Services:
- Lambda
- Batch
- S3
- STEP Functions
- DynamoDB
- Comprehend
- CloudWatch
- CloudTrail
- EC2
- Simple Notification Servive (SNS)
Create a new role on the AWS IAM Console and upload the policy template found at aws_config/policy.json
on this repository to allow access to all required AWS Services
Clone this repo to your local machine using
All scripts make use of the configparser
Python library to easily pass configuration data to running scripts/deployed packages. This allows for easy replication of code with zero modifications to Python scripts. Find configuration file can be found in config/config.ini
directory on this repository. Modify the file with your environment variables and place it on your S3 bucket under the config
directory like so YourS3BucketName/config/config.ini
; All packages and scripts are designed to read the configuration values from this path.
input_dir: demo/
link_op: stage1/
stage2: stage2/
bucket: <enter your bucketname here>
init_params: <Enter Sentry Endpoint Here>
webhook_url: <Enter Slack WebHook here>
app1: <Enter endpoint for Summary-Gen-1>
app2: <Enter endpoint for Summary-Gen-1>
The pipeline extensively uses AWS Lambda Functions for Serverless Computing. All directories on this repo marked with the prefix lambda-
are Lambda functions that have to be deployed on AWS. All functions follow a common deployment process.
Python Lambda is toolkit to easily package and deploy serverless code to AWS Lambda. Packaging is requried since AWS Lambda functions only ship with basic Python libraries and do not contain external libraries. Any external libraries to be used will be have to be packaged into a .zip
and deployed to AWS Lambda. More information about Python Lambda can be found here
All lambda-
directories contain a config.yaml
file with the configuration information required to deploy the Lambda package to AWS. Configure the file with your access keys, secret access keys and function name before packaging and deploying the Python code. An example is as follows
region: us-east-1
function_name: Lambda_Function_1
handler: service.handler
description: Deployed lambda Function
runtime: python3.7
role: <Enter the role name created earlier>
# if access key and secret are left blank, boto will use the credentials
# defined in the [default] section of ~/.aws/credentials.
aws_access_key_id: <Enter your Access Keys>
aws_secret_access_key: <Enter your Secret Access Keys>
timeout: 15
memory_size: 512
ip_bucket: <enter_your_S3_Bucket>
# Build options
source_directories: lib
Create a Virtual Environment
pipenv shell --python 3.7
pip3 install python-lambda
All package dependencies are available in the respective lambda-
directories on this repository
Install all Python dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Initiate Lambda Deployement
lambda init
This will create the following files: event.json
, and config.yaml
Replace the created
and config.yaml
files with the
and config.yaml
files in the respective lambda-
directory on this repository.
Package and Deploy Lmabda function
lambda deploy
This should create a new Lambda function on your AWS Lambda Console. Follow the same steps for all lambda
directories on this repository to deploy packages to AWS Lambda.
The pipeline uses two summarizers, which are packaged as standalone Flask applications running on EC2. They can be found in the docker-summary-gen-1-distil
and docker-summary-gen-2-bertlarge
directories on this repo. Provision an EC2 instance on your AWS account ; Recommended EC2 instance type is t2.xlarge
. The Flask applications accept requests on ports 5000
and 5001
All images are pushed to DockerHub. They can be found here:
Pull Images
docker pull holladileep/summary-gen-1
docker pull holladileep/summary-gen-2
Install and run Docker on the EC2 instance
sudo amazon-linux-extras install docker
sudo service docker start
sudo usermod -a -G docker ec2-user
This should install Docker on the instance and start the service. Verify if the service is running by executing docker info
Build Docker Images
Copy contents of docker-summary-gen-1-distil
and docker-summary-gen-2-bertlarge
to the instance.
Service 1
cd docker-summary-gen-1-distil
docker build -t summary-gen-1 -f Dockerfile.service ./
Service 2
cd docker-summary-gen-2-bertlarge
docker build -t summary-gen-1 -f Dockerfile.service ./
Verify that the images are built by running docker images
Run the images and start the service
docker run --rm -it -p 5001:5001 summary-gen-2:latest -model bert-large-uncased
docker run --rm -it -p 5000:5000 summary-gen-1:latest -model distilbert-base-uncased
The Flask Application should now be running on localhost:5000
and localhost:5001
Summarization Lambda Consumers use the created Flask URLs in the pipeline. To allow the Consumers to make an API request to the endpoints, place the API endpoints for the two running services under the keys app1
and app2
inside the config.ini
AWS Step is used the pipeline and for job orchestration. Go to AWS Console and create a new state machine. AWS Step requires the workflow to be written in Amazon States Language.
The ASL workflow.json
file is available on aws_step_workflow
directory on this repository. Paste the contents of the file on State Machine Definition after creating a new State Machine on the AWS Step console.
Click on the newly created Step workflow and click on New Execution
CloudTrail and CloudWatch are used to auto-trigger the pipeline on any PUT
operations on the S3 Bucket. In order to set this up - create a new CloudTrail and add the source S3 Bucket. Once the trail is created, go to the CloudWatch console to create a new Rule. Provide the rule name and select the Event Pattern
option. Select Simple Storage Service
as the service name and Object Level Operations
as the Event Type. Select PutOperations
for the type of operations and specify the Bucket name. On the target screen, choose AWS Step and choose the newly created Step Workflow as the target. Deploy the created rule.
AWS Provides a handy guide to walk through the entire process. It can be found here
The pipeline uses Streamlit for allowing the user to upload a file with URLs, enter a single URL or quicky summarize text and sentiments for a given text input. The app directly interacts with the built components on AWS and provides a GUI to run the pipeline without the need for the end-user to manually login to AWS Account and trigger the pipeline.
The Python code for this app can be found at streamlit_webapp/
. This app is deployed on the EC2 Instance.
Install required libraries
pip3 install streamlit
pip3 install boto3
pip3 install pandas
pip3 install configparser
Run the WebApp by running streamlit run
The Python script for batch scraping URLs can be found in scrape-batch/
directory. Copy contents of the directory on your machine.
Create new ECR Repository
Create a new repository on ECR with the following name ts-pipeline1
Login to the repository
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <your_account_id>/ts-pipeline1
Build the Image
docker build -t ts-pipeline1 .
Tag the image
docker tag <your_ECR_repository_URL>/ts-pipeline1:latest
Push the image to ECR
docker push <your_ECR_repository_URL>/ts-pipeline1:latest
Create a new Compute Environment first followed by a Job Queue on the AWS Batch Console with the default configurations.
Create a Job Definition on the console and provide the ECR container ID created earlier as the input to the container
attribute. The batch process is ready for execution
The pipleine requires three tables to be created on DynamoDB:
Store the scraped datasentiments
Store sentiment scoressummary
Store generated summaries and scores
Create all tables from the DynamoDB console with url
as the Primary Key. There is NO need to specify additional fields.
The pipeline delivers real-time notifications via Slack. All Python processes are designed to push notifications to Slack via the Web-Hook placed in the config.ini
file. Step by step instructions to create an App and generate an incoming Web-Hook can be found here.
Once the Web-Hook is generated, place the same inside the config.ini
file for the key webhook_url
All Test Cases have been documented here
Streamlit App can be accessed using this link: TS-Pipeline | WebApp
⚠️ The instance hosting the App has been shutdown
The pipeline can be tested with the sample demo.txt
file present in the tests
directory. Additonally any URL can be entered in the Streamlit app and results can be seen.
Additionally, POST
request can be made to the following URLs to receive a summarized response.
requests made to the below API Endpoints do not work since the Flask Application is no longer running on EC2 Instance to avoid recurring AWS Charges. Replace the endpoints with your deployed Flask Application(s) to test the summarization models
Model 1
Content-type: text/plain
Body: <enter your text here>
Model 2
Content-type: text/plain
Body: <enter your text here>