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Modified vib python file for consistency with notebook
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EdCaunt committed Jul 31, 2020
1 parent 8f0db29 commit 8c59d2d
Showing 1 changed file with 38 additions and 32 deletions.
70 changes: 38 additions & 32 deletions src/vib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
from devito import Dimension, Constant, TimeFunction, Eq, solve, Operator
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scitools.std as plt

Expand All @@ -11,27 +13,33 @@ def solver(I, V, m, b, s, F, dt, T, damping='linear'):
'quadratic', f(u')=b*u'*abs(u').
F(t) and s(u) are Python functions.
dt = float(dt); b = float(b); m = float(m) # avoid integer div.
dt = float(dt)
b = float(b)
m = float(m)
Nt = int(round(T/dt))
u = np.zeros(Nt+1)
t = np.linspace(0, Nt*dt, Nt+1)
t = Dimension('t', spacing=Constant('h_t'))

u = TimeFunction(name='u', dimensions=(t,),
shape=(Nt+1,), space_order=2)[0] = I

u[0] = I
if damping == 'linear':
u[1] = u[0] + dt*V + dt**2/(2*m)*(-b*V - s(u[0]) + F(t[0]))
# dtc for central difference (default for time is forward, 1st order)
eqn = m*u.dt2 + b*u.dtc + s(u) - F(u)
stencil = Eq(u.forward, solve(eqn, u.forward))
elif damping == 'quadratic':
u[1] = u[0] + dt*V + \
dt**2/(2*m)*(-b*V*abs(V) - s(u[0]) + F(t[0]))
# fd_order set as backward derivative used is 1st order
eqn = m*u.dt2 + b*u.dt*sp.Abs(u.dtl(fd_order=1)) + s(u) - F(u)
stencil = Eq(u.forward, solve(eqn, u.forward))
# First timestep needs to have the backward timestep substituted
stencil_init = stencil.subs(u.backward, u.forward-2*t.spacing*V)
op_init = Operator(stencil_init, name='first_timestep')
op = Operator(stencil, name='main_loop')
op_init.apply(h_t=dt, t_M=1)
op.apply(h_t=dt, t_m=1, t_M=Nt-1)

for n in range(1, Nt):
if damping == 'linear':
u[n+1] = (2*m*u[n] + (b*dt/2 - m)*u[n-1] +
dt**2*(F(t[n]) - s(u[n])))/(m + b*dt/2)
elif damping == 'quadratic':
u[n+1] = (2*m*u[n] - m*u[n-1] + b*u[n]*abs(u[n] - u[n-1])
+ dt**2*(F(t[n]) - s(u[n])))/\
(m + b*abs(u[n] - u[n-1]))
return u, t
return, np.linspace(0, Nt*dt, Nt+1)

def visualize(u, t, title='', filename='tmp'):
plt.plot(t, u, 'b-')
Expand All @@ -46,8 +54,6 @@ def visualize(u, t, title='', filename='tmp'):
plt.savefig(filename + '.pdf')

import sympy as sym

def test_constant():
"""Verify a constant solution."""
u_exact = lambda t: I
Expand All @@ -68,24 +74,24 @@ def test_constant():

def lhs_eq(t, m, b, s, u, damping='linear'):
"""Return lhs of differential equation as sympy expression."""
v = sym.diff(u, t)
v = sp.diff(u, t)
if damping == 'linear':
return m*sym.diff(u, t, t) + b*v + s(u)
return m*sp.diff(u, t, t) + b*v + s(u)
return m*sym.diff(u, t, t) + b*v*sym.Abs(v) + s(u)
return m*sp.diff(u, t, t) + b*v*sp.Abs(v) + s(u)

def test_quadratic():
"""Verify a quadratic solution."""
I = 1.2; V = 3; m = 2; b = 0.9
s = lambda u: 4*u
t = sym.Symbol('t')
t = sp.Symbol('t')
dt = 0.2
T = 2

q = 2 # arbitrary constant
u_exact = I + V*t + q*t**2
F = sym.lambdify(t, lhs_eq(t, m, b, s, u_exact, 'linear'))
u_exact = sym.lambdify(t, u_exact, modules='numpy')
F = sp.lambdify(t, lhs_eq(t, m, b, s, u_exact, 'linear'))
u_exact = sp.lambdify(t, u_exact, modules='numpy')
u1, t1 = solver(I, V, m, b, s, F, dt, T, 'linear')
diff = np.abs(u_exact(t1) - u1).max()
tol = 1E-13
Expand All @@ -94,8 +100,8 @@ def test_quadratic():
# In the quadratic damping case, u_exact must be linear
# in order exactly recover this solution
u_exact = I + V*t
F = sym.lambdify(t, lhs_eq(t, m, b, s, u_exact, 'quadratic'))
u_exact = sym.lambdify(t, u_exact, modules='numpy')
F = sp.lambdify(t, lhs_eq(t, m, b, s, u_exact, 'quadratic'))
u_exact = sp.lambdify(t, u_exact, modules='numpy')
u2, t2 = solver(I, V, m, b, s, F, dt, T, 'quadratic')
diff = np.abs(u_exact(t2) - u2).max()
assert diff < tol
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -127,11 +133,11 @@ def test_mms():
"""Use method of manufactured solutions."""
m = 4.; b = 1
w = 1.5
t = sym.Symbol('t')
u_exact = 3*sym.exp(-0.2*t)*sym.cos(1.2*t)
t = sp.Symbol('t')
u_exact = 3*sp.exp(-0.2*t)*sp.cos(1.2*t)
I = u_exact.subs(t, 0).evalf()
V = sym.diff(u_exact, t).subs(t, 0).evalf()
u_exact_py = sym.lambdify(t, u_exact, modules='numpy')
V = sp.diff(u_exact, t).subs(t, 0).evalf()
u_exact_py = sp.lambdify(t, u_exact, modules='numpy')
s = lambda u: u**3
dt = 0.2
T = 6
Expand All @@ -140,14 +146,14 @@ def test_mms():
# Run grid refinements and compute exact error
for i in range(5):
F_formula = lhs_eq(t, m, b, s, u_exact, 'linear')
F = sym.lambdify(t, F_formula)
F = sp.lambdify(t, F_formula)
u1, t1 = solver(I, V, m, b, s, F, dt, T, 'linear')
error = np.sqrt(np.sum((u_exact_py(t1) - u1)**2)*dt)
errors_linear.append((dt, error))

F_formula = lhs_eq(t, m, b, s, u_exact, 'quadratic')
#print sym.latex(F_formula, mode='plain')
F = sym.lambdify(t, F_formula)
F = sp.lambdify(t, F_formula)
u2, t2 = solver(I, V, m, b, s, F, dt, T, 'quadratic')
error = np.sqrt(np.sum((u_exact_py(t2) - u2)**2)*dt)
errors_quadratic.append((dt, error))
Expand Down

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