released this
03 Aug 12:54
1887 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
- compiler: Fix checkpoint size when save != None @speglich (#1906)
- compiler: Revamp generation of implicit equations @FabioLuporini (#1908)
- compiler: Support interpolation with user-provided implicit dims @FabioLuporini (#1948)
- api: Add op.cinterface for C-level interoperability @FabioLuporini (#1843)
- examples: Fix grammar and spelling mistakes in pml example @PershingSquare (#1930)
- examples: Update MPI tutorial notebook and scripts @georgebisbas (#1923)
- examples: Use solve instead of by hand derivation @mloubout (#1879)
- examples: Rename the viscoacoustic equations @nogueirapeterson (#1869)
- examples: Update attribute names and backend for synthetics notebook @EdCaunt (#1895)
- examples: Add colab/wsl dependencies to gempy notebook @EdCaunt (#1866)
- Fix 2D Gzz when sintheta==0 @mloubout (#1855)
- misc: Documentation tweaks @FabioLuporini (#1853)
- misc: Add citation button @georgebisbas (#1848)
- compiler: Generalize lowering of reductions @FabioLuporini (#1980)
- compiler: Restructure basic.Object sub-hierarchy @FabioLuporini (#1977)
- compiler: Infer type generation from _C_ctype @FabioLuporini (#1971)
- compiler: Reuse twin elemental functions @FabioLuporini (#1967)
- compiler: Support for MPI+CUDA @FabioLuporini (#1965)
- compiler: Remove IndexedData.free_symbols hack @FabioLuporini (#1958)
- compiler: Decouple pthreading pass from orchestration @FabioLuporini (#1938)
- compiler: Inception of two-stage derivative evaluation @FabioLuporini (#1893)
- compiler: Misc compiler improvements @FabioLuporini (#1912)
- compiler: Uncache data carriers @FabioLuporini (#1913)
- compiler: Misc minor code generation fixes @FabioLuporini (#1891)
- compiler: Minor FD refactorings @FabioLuporini (#1875)
- compiler: Minor blocking.py refactorings @georgebisbas (#1845)
- compiler: Avoid generating unnecessary conditionals @FabioLuporini (#1880)
- compiler: Move derivative.evaluate @FabioLuporini (#1872)
- compiler: Drop unnecessary check_indices @FabioLuporini (#1871)
- compiler: Add GuardOverflow @FabioLuporini (#1870)
- compiler: Flip par-tile unrolling @FabioLuporini (#1868)
- compiler: Relax Data.array_finalize to work with subclasses @FabioLuporini (#1865)
- compiler: Add SEPARABLE property @FabioLuporini (#1840)
- mpi: Fix data distribution bugs [part 1] @rhodrin (#1947)
- mpi: Always generate MPIComm with MPI enabled @FabioLuporini (#1905)
- mpi: Do not send padding region when doing pythonland halo exchange @tjb900 (#1874)
- install: Create scheduled base docker images for better build @mloubout (#1946)
- [gpu] Update to HPC SDK 22.2 and CUDA 11.6 @kenhester (#1842)
Architectures and JIT
- arch: Support OpenMP on Apple M1 @mloubout (#1931)
- compiler: Drop ARM specialization @FabioLuporini (#1882)
- arch: Fix CustomCompiler instantiation @AtilaSaraiva (#1850)
- arch: Add lineinfo compiler flag @FabioLuporini (#1849)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- compiler: Patch premature lowering of EvalDerivative @FabioLuporini (#1979)
- mpi: Fix data distribution bugs [part 1] @rhodrin (#1947)
- api: Fix Derivative substitution @mloubout (#1942)
- compiler: Patch fission (issue 1921) @FabioLuporini (#1922)
- compiler: Patch buffer initialization @FabioLuporini (#1916)
- compiler: Patch generate_implicit for corner cases @FabioLuporini (#1910)
- compiler: Patch race conditions due to storage-related dependencies @FabioLuporini (#1903)
- compiler: Patch iteration space scheduling @FabioLuporini (#1898)
- compiler: Fix guards fusion @FabioLuporini (#1883)
- compiler: Do not evaluate unevaluable expressions @mloubout (#1878)
- compiler: Patch norm accumulation @FabioLuporini (#1864)
- compiler: Patch norm enforcing double precision accumulation @FabioLuporini (#1861)
- compiler: Use long, not unsigned int, for linearization @FabioLuporini (#1841)
- compiler: Add blockrelax tests and refresh advisor profiling @georgebisbas (#1929)
- tests: Refactor conftest skipif names @georgebisbas (#1960)
- install: Create scheduled base docker images for better build @mloubout (#1946)
- tests: Add MFE for issue 1753 @georgebisbas (#1873)
- CI: prevent conflict with pytest @mloubout (#1844)
Continuous Integration
- install: Update to intel-oneapi-mpi-devel @georgebisbas (#1961)
- install: Create scheduled base docker images for better build @mloubout (#1946)
- ci: Hotfix for actions-gh-pages @georgebisbas (#1937)
- ci: Hotfix actions-gh-pages @georgebisbas (#1936)
- ci: Update several GitHub actions versions @georgebisbas (#1934)
- install: Patch Dockerfile.nvidia @FabioLuporini (#1975)
- docker: Fix docker tags for publish @mloubout (#1982)
- install: Add more base images to Docker.nvidia @FabioLuporini (#1974)
- install: Reinstate libgl1-mesa-glx @georgebisbas (#1966)
- install: Add lib/intel64_lin @georgebisbas (#1963)
- install: Refactor Intel paths @georgebisbas (#1962)
- pip prod(deps): update ipyparallel requirement from <8.4 to <8.5 @dependabot (#1945)
- pip prod(deps): update distributed requirement from <2022.7 to <2022.8 @dependabot (#1955)
- install: Create scheduled base docker images for better build @mloubout (#1946)
- docker: Hotfix Dockerfile.nvidia @georgebisbas (#1940)
- gpu: Update to HPC 22.3, reduced image size @kenhester (#1918)
- pip prod(deps): update distributed requirement from <2022.6 to <2022.7 @dependabot (#1935)
- deps: Drop deprecated distutils imports @georgebisbas (#1899)
- pip prod(deps): update distributed requirement from <2022.5 to <2022.6 @dependabot (#1917)
- pip prod(deps): update distributed requirement from <2022.4 to <2022.5 @dependabot (#1894)
- CI-Docker: Publish CPU image with tag latest @navjotk (#1890)
- pip prod(deps): update distributed requirement from <2022.3 to <2022.4 @dependabot (#1884)
- sympy: new version compat @mloubout (#1858)
- install: Fix cflag for nvidia mpi4py @mloubout (#1854)
- install: Fix EOL typo @mloubout (#1852)
- Installation: update setup.py and cleanup docker files @mloubout (#1847)
- pip prod(deps): update distributed requirement from <=2022.2 to <2022.3 @dependabot (#1851)