🐛 Bug Fixes
- Patch aliases' min-storage option @FabioLuporini (#1535)
- Fix loop collapsing @FabioLuporini (#1534)
- operator: Patch grid-carried argument overrides @FabioLuporini (#1523)
- Fix profiling IET for Intel Advisor benchmarking @georgebisbas (#1516)
- Fix ARM issues @georgebisbas (#1515)
- make test tools less random @ggorman (#1507)
- ir: Fixup _lower_stepping_dims @Leitevmd (#1504)
- Fix custom coefficients on staggered grids @EdCaunt (#1497)
- Tensor grid fixup @mloubout (#1489)
- Patch issue #1477 @FabioLuporini (#1488)
- Patch compilation time @FabioLuporini (#1487)
- Conditonals: Added diff2sympy to conditionals @EdCaunt (#1475)
- Minor tweaks @FabioLuporini (#1469)
- Fix SubDomainSet bug @rhodrin (#1457)
- Function globabl size method @rhodrin (#1499)
- Fix parallel increments @FabioLuporini (#1446)
- fix misspelling of openmp-targets for amdgcn-amd-amdhsa @paklui (#1429)
- examples: Fix
arg-passing for elastic and TTI @georgebisbas (#1425)
- FD: add missing shift option @Leitevmd (#1551)
- Refactor and enhance section profiling @FabioLuporini (#1547)
- GPU data streaming @FabioLuporini (#1520)
- builtins: initialize FD halo @mloubout (#1511)
- Fix custom coefficients on staggered grids @EdCaunt (#1497)
- Tensor grid fixup @mloubout (#1489)
- Added origin_map attribute to Grid @EdCaunt (#1461)
- Tensor API: improve behavior and interleaving with sympy. @mloubout (#1390)
- Example: add second-order viscoacoustic equations @nogueirapeterson (#1406)
- Updated cavity flow notebook for cfd examples @kmn319 (#1502)
- Notebooks with Damping, PML and HABC absorbing boudary conditions. @felipeaugustogudes (#1323)
- Examples: Add tests and damp safety checks for backward compatibility @mloubout (#1434)
- Move time block notebook to seismic/tutorials @jkwashbourne (#1441)
- examples: Fix
arg-passing for elastic and TTI @georgebisbas (#1425) - Time Blocking Notebook POC w/serialization and compression @jkwashbourne (#1424)
- examples: Patch plot_velocity @FabioLuporini (#1428)
- Self-adjoint seismic: Update correctness linearization plot @jkwashbourne (#1423)
- Correct typo in examples/cfd/03_diffusion.ipynb @jakubbober (#1451)
- Replaced mini-web-app for slack invites to slacks native solution. @ggorman (#1439)
- builtins: initialize FD halo @mloubout (#1511)
- Fix halo update hoisting @Leitevmd (#1494)
- Fixup _hoist_halospots @FabioLuporini (#1496)
- Fixup _drop_halospots @FabioLuporini (#1495)
- Outhalo size warning @rhodrin (#1493)
- Fixing halo spot merge rule (issue 1459) @Leitevmd (#1482)
- MPI + OpenMP 5.0 @italoaug (#1363)
- mpi data gatherer @rhodrin (#1376)
- Skip viscoacoustic tests with openacc @rhodrin (#1559)
- GPU data streaming @FabioLuporini (#1520)
- Use omp_set_default_device for OpenMP GPU offloading @italoaug (#1517)
- Tidy gpu CI workflow @rhodrin (#1470)
- Fix MPI in Dockerfile.nvidia @kenhester (#1492)
- Skip viscoacoustic tests with openacc @rhodrin (#1559)
- Tweak ASV and GPU workflows @rhodrin (#1558)
- docker publish tweaks @rhodrin (#1548)
- Docker workflow updates @rhodrin (#1546)
- CI: Update gpu workflow @rhodrin (#1542)
- Migrate asv workflow to new runner @rhodrin (#1530)
- Move mpi examples to new runner @rhodrin (#1543)
- Migrate MPI CI @rhodrin (#1531)
- Add test that compares gradient equivalence @navjotk (#1519)
- ci: Disable dask tutos on OSX build @FabioLuporini (#1505)
- CI: skip dask on osc builds @mloubout (#1458)
- Update distributed requirement to <2021.2 @dependabot (#1557)
- Improve bitwise reproducibility @ggorman (#1438)
- Update to NVidia HPC 20.9; MPI Fixes @kenhester (#1526)
- perf: Add global gflopss to operator log @georgebisbas (#1462)
- Advisor miscellaneous improvements @georgebisbas (#1503)
- Updated dependencies in Dockerfile.nvidia: HPC SDK 20.9, cupy110 @kenhester (#1484)
- Improve detection and scheduling of CIREs @FabioLuporini (#1465)
- Intel Advisor jupyter notebook benchmarks/user/advisor scripts update @jack-lascala (#1456)
- Added sniffing Intel MPI as MPI version in compiler.py @jack-lascala (#1455)
- Moving and packaging the Intel Advisor 2020 scripts into benchmarks/user/advisor @jack-lascala (#1452)
- Moved from PGI to HPC SDK. New NVIDIA Based-Container. @kenhester (#1450)
- Intel Advisor 2020 automatic roofline tools @jack-lascala (#1440)
- Potentially smarter CIRE via cire-rotate option @FabioLuporini (#1430)
- Update pytest requirement from to >=3.6,<7.0 @dependabot (#1414)