I have implemented a travel planner that will cater the need of the customer to make a wise decision about the planned journey. This program will firstly ask the user about the starting city and the destination city. Then according to the database, the program will search for the shortest path available between the cities via different means of transportation, i.e., cabs, buses, flights, personal vehicle, train etc.
This will be achieved by Dijkstra’s algorithm and finding the Hamiltonian path. If a suitable path is found between the two cities, then we ask user about their traveling effectiveness. Whether they want their trip to be cost effective or time effective. The program will then fetch the required alternatives available from the database.
For e.g., if the user selects a time effective travel plan, then the program will display the details of all the transport that takes a lesser amount of time to reach the destination like superspeed express, or flights (if any). On selecting the cost-effective alternative, the user will be asked to input the planned budget, to further narrow down the alternatives. When the user selects a desired option from the results. He/she is prompted to enter the details of the traveling passengers and the weight of the luggage planned to be taken along with the passengers in the journey.
If the constraints of the selected transportation facility match with the entered values of luggage and passengers, then the booking is considered to be final and the travel itinerary along with travel ticket is generated by the program. If the constraints of the selected transportation facility do not match with the entered value of luggage and passengers, then the booking is cancelled and the program returns the control to the travel alternatives which gives the user option to again select a new transportation option which will match his/her needs.
The program will run till the user finds an optimized travel plan according to his/her needs with customized options for the number of people traveling and the weight of the luggage. The user will then be given a unique booking ID number which will be generated using the Huffman encoding algorithm. The program will ask for the name of the user and encode it to represent that user uniquely.
Hence the project will be an optimization problem which will aid the users to find the budget friendly transportation option according to their needs.