Library provides versatile work with serial port for Linux, Windows and MacOS.
auto com = new SerialPortBlk("/dev/ttyUSB0", 19200);
// setting parameters example
com.config = SPConfig(9600, DataBits.data8, Parity.none,
com.stopBits = StopBits.two;
// set 9600 baudrate, 8 data bits, no parity and one stop bit
auto cnt = com.write(someDataArray);
// cnt must be equal someDataArray.length
// res1 is slice of bufferForReading with readed data
auto res1 =;
See also example: monitor.
^ ^
| |
| SerialPortNonBlk
^ ^
| |
| SerialPortFR
Class SerialPortBase
provides work with settings (baudrate, stop bits etc).
Class SerialPortNonBlk
provides non-blocking void[] read(void[] buf)
(immediatlly return data in system serial port buffer) and
size_t write(const(void[]))
(return writed bytes count at the first onset).
Class SerialPort
provides void[] read(void[] buf, CanRead cr=CanRead.allOrNothing)
void write(const(void[]))
and timeouts properties.
Class SerialPortBlk
provides blocking read
and write
If you want use library in fibers it provides SerialPortFR
(Fiber Ready),
where read
and write
is loops: call non-blocking read and write and
sleep between tries. Loops algorithms use Fiber.yield
if available,
or Thread.sleep
as failback. If you want redefine this behavior, you
can set void delegate(Duration) @nogc sleepFunc
field directly or through
last parameter of ctor.
method of SerialPort
can throw TimeoutException
if it can't
finish write all data to serial port during
timeout = writeTimeout + writeTimeoutMult * data.length
method of SerialPort
also can throw TimeoutException
but here the behavior can be different depending on the CanRead
Receive data time schema:
---|-------|--------------|-------|--> t
call | | |
read | | |
| |<----data receive---->|
| |===== ==== | ======|
| | |
| |<-readedData->|
| |
| return
|<---read work time--->|
where readTimeoutSum = readTimeout + readTimeoutMult * dataBuffer.length;
if CanRead cr
flag is:
if (readedData.length < dataBuffer.length) throw TimeoutException(port); else return readedData;
if (readedData.length == 0) throw TimeoutException(port); else return readedData;
return readedData;
void[] readContinues(void[] arr, Duration startTimeout=1.seconds, Duration frameGap=50.msecs, bool expectAnything=true)
It reads in loop from serial port while silent time is less what frameGap
throws TimeoutException
only if timeout is expires when no data was readed and
flag is setted.
------|--------|-----|------------|-----|------------> t
call | | | |
readContinues | | | |
| | | | |
| |<---------data receive---------->|
| |=== ===== ======| | |== =| data stream
| | | | | | |
|<--timeout--->| | | | |
| |<-1->| |<2>| |<-3->|
| | | |
| |<---readedData--->| |
| return
|<-------readAll work time------->|
(1) if readedData.length > 0 then continue reading
else if expectAnything throw TimeoutException
else return readedData (empty)
(2) silent time, if silent < frameGap then continue reading
(3) else if silent > frameGap then stop reading
and return readedData
It's useful if you don't know how much data can come:
- allocate buffer for reading (4kB for example)
- call
and get data frame
unix systems allow only standard speeds:
[0, 50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400]
Two paired USB->UART (FTDI FT232RL) uses for tests on linux and windows.
For linux and OSX tested (socat as tty pipe creator)
- dmd (from 2.79.1 to actual and nightly)
- ldc (from 1.8.0 to actual and beta)
For windows tested (build only, see note) fox x86 and x64
- dmd stable and nightly
- ldc stable and beta
- Windows not full tested by CI (no real test with virtual com ports) because I did not configure to adjust the work com0com program