OpenAI added additional Cloudflare protections that make it more difficult to access the unofficial API. The tool is not working temporary until I find a way to workaround it.
More details in the issue.
Automatically generate commit messages using ChatGPT.
npx commitgpt
you can create .commitgpt.json
and/or ..commitgpt-template
config files in your project root.
"model": "text-davinci-003",
"temperature": 0.5,
"maxTokens": 2048,
this file can be used to change the openai model and other parameters.
suggest 10 commit messages based on the following diff:
commit messages should:
- follow conventional commits
- message format should be: <type>[scope]: <description>
- fix(authentication): add password regex pattern
- feat(storage): add new test cases
this file can be used to change the template used to generate the prompt request. you can modify the template to fit your needs.
- Runs
git diff --cached
- Sends the diff to ChatGPT and asks it to suggest commit messages
- Shows suggestions to the user
Some code and approaches were inspired by the awesome projects below:
Do you need API docs? Check out Redocly.