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Module Enhancements

desht edited this page Aug 24, 2017 · 16 revisions



Module Enhancements are a feature in v1.x and v2.x of the mod. v3.x drops this feature in favour of Module Augments

Module Enhancements are a way of adding extra functionality to an individual module by crafting the module with one or more extra items. It's strongly recommended to have a recipe display mod such as JEI installed to see what can be crafted; JEI will add useful tooltip descriptions to the output of enhancement recipes. With JEI installed, you can press 'U' while the mouse is over a module to see what can be crafted with it.

Redstone Enhancement

Added in Modular Routers v1.1.0

Normally, a module is run when the router runs, no questions asked. However, adding the Redstone Enhancement to a module gives it individual control over when it runs based on the router's redstone signal level, and separate from any other mods in the router.

When a module has the Redstone Enhancement activated, you will see an extra button in its GUI for setting its redstone mode, the same as the button in the Item Router's GUI. The module's tooltip text will also show the current redstone mode.

  • Example: take two Dropper Modules, and add the Redstone Enhancement to both of them. Configure one module to drop to the right, on a high signal, and the other module to drop to the left, on a low signal. With these two modules in a router, the router will drop items to the right if it has a redstone signal, and to the left if it doesn't; redstone-based item routing.

Regulator Enhancement

Added in Modular Routers v1.1.0

The Regulator Enhancement allows for more precise control over how many items may be sent to or pulled from an inventory, or the router's buffer.

When a module has the Regulator Enhancement activated, you will see an extra numeric textfield in its GUI where you can configure a limit. The module's tooltip text will also show the limit. This limit is interpreted differently depending on the particular module:

  • For the Sender Mk1/2/3 Modules and Player Module (in insert mode), the modules will only send an item to the inventory if there are fewer than the configured number of that item already in the inventory.
  • For the Puller and Player Module (in extract mode), the modules will only pull an item from the inventory if there are more than the configured number of that item in the inventory.
  • For the Dropper, Flinger, Placer & Void Modules, the modules will only run if there are more than the configured number of that item in the router's buffer.
  • For the Breaker & Vacuum Modules, the modules will only run if there are fewer than the configured number of that item in the router's buffer.
  • For the Fluid Module, the limit is a percentage of the target tank's capacity rather than a number of items. When pulling fluid from the target, the module will only run if there is more fluid than the configured percentage, and when pushing fluid to the target, the module will only run if there is less fluid than the configured percentage.

Pickup Delay Enhancement

Added in Modular Routers v1.2.0

This enhancement can only be added to Dropper and Flinger Modules. Normally, when these modules drop an item into the world, it can be picked up immediately by a player (or an Item Router with a Vacuum Module).

By adding the Pickup Delay enhancement, the delay before pickup is allowed can be increased by 10 ticks (0.5 seconds). This enhancement can be added to a module repeatedly; if you need to remove it, you can craft the module by itself to reset it (but note that this also resets all other data stored on the module!)

Fast Pickup Enhancement

Added in Modular Routers v1.2.0

This enhancement can only be added to Vacuum Modules. Normally, the Vacuum Module respects the pickup delay on dropped items, which is 0 ticks by default for items dropped by Dropper and Flinger Modules (but see the Pickup Delay Enhancement above), 40 ticks for items dropped by players, and 10 ticks for items dropped by other means (e.g. sheep shearing).

By adding the Fast Pickup enhancement to a Vacuum Module, it will ignore any pickup delay, and pick items up as soon as it runs (assuming it can fit the item into the router's buffer, of course).

The Pickup Delay and Fast Pickup Enhancements can be useful in conjunction if you want to ensure that items dropped from an item router are always picked up by a Vacuum Module, and not accidentally by nearby players.

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