This mod is very small, and very simple. Shift n Scroll for Mac makes Shift Scrolling on Mac accessible in Minecraft again.
- This was made with Forge Once I can figure out how to allow it to be used with previous versions of forge, I will update it.
- I believe that someone can also very easily switch this to fabric, if someone would like to message me, we can collab.
- It is Client Side only, as in, nothing about it needs the server to run. The scroll event is still handled by forge, so all SELECTED things will not change.
I have tested it with ATM6, 1.3.9b, and it works fine, with 246 mods installed in 1.3.9b.
- Download this Mod from Curse here, or on the launcher.
- The github is here. No source code will be uploaded until I have played with it for a bit, and have really become comfortable with it.
Gui Scrolling not working, in inventory screens, etc.Fixed in 0.0.0.s2
- Should I make this mod work on all systems? Do you have a mouse with a side scroll wheel that you would like to use? Would you accidentally scroll with it, and not know what happened?
- Use it in your Pack?
The original Project Thumbnail free from this site with this License. The same licence applies if you wish to use my edited version of it.
SkySom, he helped me a lot, when others literally banned me for inquiring.
Default Options for the how to of making the mod client-side only.
HellfirePVP for having a great .gitignore AND build.gradle file to template off of.
MinecraftForge, Minecraft, and IntelliJ for making the documentation and shown code available under their license.
Tslat, while we started off rough, you still helped me a lot.