Watermill subscriber that is setup to use our custom dentech-floss/watermill-googlecloud-http lib to subscribe to messages delivered by http push subscriptions in GCP. But why push with a custom lib instead of pull using the official watermill-googlecloud lib you may ask? That's because we're running on Cloud Run where we are limited to use push subscriptions (and want to be able to scale down to 0 instances).
The subscriber is preconfigured for distributed Opentelemetry tracing. For this we use both the official watermill-opentelemetry project and our custom complement dentech-floss/watermill-opentelemetry-go-extra lib to extract a propagated parent span and create a child span for this when we receive a message. With this support we get quite awesome observability of the system, since we can see and follow events flowing through the system in an APM of choice!
go get github.com/dentech-floss/[email protected]
Create the subscriber and start subscribing to a topic/url using a router with support for tracing:
package example
import (
func main() {
metadata := metadata.NewMetadata()
logger := logging.NewLogger(
OnGCP: metadata.OnGCP,
ServiceName: revision.ServiceName,
defer logger.Sync()
bqIngestionService := service.NewAppointmentBigQueryIngestionService(repo, logger)
httpRouter := chi.NewRouter() // it is not necessary to use chi, you can use your mux of choice
_subscriber := subscriber.NewSubscriber(
logger.Logger.Logger, // the *zap.Logger is wrapped like a matryoshka doll :)
&subscriber.SubscriberConfig{}, // nothing required to provide here atm
httpRouter.Handle, // register the http handler for the topic/url on chi
// this Watermill router have tracing middleware added to it
router := subscriber.InitTracedRouter(logger.Logger.Logger) // the *zap.Logger is wrapped like a matryoshka doll :)
router.AddPlugin(plugin.SignalsHandler) // kills the router after SIGINT or SIGTERM is sent to the process
"pubsub.Subscribe/appointment/claimed", // the name of our handler
"/push-handlers/pubsub/appointment/claimed", // topic/url we're getting messages pushed to us on
bqIngestionService.HandleAppointmentClaimedEvent, // our handler to invoke
go func() {
err := router.Run(ctx)
if err != nil {
err := http.ListenAndServe(":"+strconv.Itoa(*config.Port), httpRouter)
if errors.Is(err, http.ErrServerClosed) {
logger.Info("Server closed")
} else {
logger.Error("Server failed", logging.ErrorField(err))
Handle the Watermill message by unmarshalling the payload and Ack/Nack the message:
package example
import (
appointment_service_v1 "go.buf.build/dentechse/go-grpc-gateway-openapiv2/dentechse/service-definitions/api/appointment/v1"
func (s *AppointmentBigQueryIngestionService) HandleAppointmentClaimedEvent(msg *message.Message) error {
event := &appointment_service_v1.AppointmentEvent{}
// HandleMessage will take care or marshalling + ack/nack'ing the message for us
err := subscriber.HandleMessage(msg, event, func(ctx context.Context) error {
err := s.repo.InsertAppointmentClaimedEvent(ctx, event.GetAppointmentClaimed())
if err != nil {
"Failed to insert 'AppointmentClaimedEvent'",
logging.StringField("msg_uuid", msg.UUID),
logging.ProtoField("event", event),
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
"Failed to unmarshal 'AppointmentClaimedEvent', ack'ed the message to get rid of it",
logging.StringField("msg_uuid", msg.UUID),
logging.StringField("payload", string(msg.Payload)),
return err