- Docker
- Docker-Compose
- Clone or download this project repository (obviously).
git clone https://github.com/dendihandian/redis-playground.git
in the same directory. You may want to change the values if needed or leave it. -
Run one of these commands:
- Redis only:
docker-compose up -d redis
- Playing with
docker-compose up -d redis phpredisadmin
- Playing with
docker-compose up -d redis redis-commander
- Playing with python redis scripts only:
docker-compose up -d redis python-redis
- Run all services:
docker-compose up -d
The service can be accessed using local machine apps and redis desktop clients/GUI at localhost:6379
by default configuration.
You can play with Redis-CLI with this service by executing:
docker-compose exec redis redis-cli
The redis-cli console will be opened and you can try commands like:
> AUTH your_redis_server_password
Type and enter exit
to exit the console.
The service can be accessed using your browser at http://localhost:9987 by default configuration.
The service can be accessed using your browser at http://localhost:8081 by default configuration.
You can execute sample scripts in docker/python-redis/src
or create one. Here is the example of how to execute existing scripts:
connection test:
docker-compose exec python-redis python connection_test.py
redis sub:
docker-compose exec python-redis python sub.py
redis pub:
docker-compose exec python-redis python pub.py "first message"