Note that the search engines may change their page structure from time-to-time, causing this example to break. There's nothing that can be done as this example is designed to scrape the results from the search engines pages, rather then their API directly.
Thus, if you want this example to work, you may need to update the scraping logic for the rank checker classes BingScrapingRankChecker
, GoogleScrapingRankChecker
or YahooScrapingRankChecker
An example .Net project that does a rank check for websites against a specific search term.
For cross-platform compatibility, this application was developed using the DotNet CLI
, using Visual Studio Code
. However, Visual Studio
can be used to run the applications, and instructions has been provided in the documentation.
- Cross-Platform Project
- Web API Documentation
- Using Swashbuckle
- Highly documented code
- Intellisense is able to pick up these code documentations.
- Used Doxygen to generate documentation for the non-Web API projects.
- Rank checking available for multiple search engines
- Yahoo
- Bing
- History of Rank Check Requests
- Background Jobs
- Rank searching executes as a background job.
- Why?
- The rank check may take a long time, depending on the user's query
- User can make multiple rank check requests without waiting.
- Automated Unit Tests
The full documentation can be viewed on the Netlify site.
Alternatively, for a low level view of the code, you can use the code documentation generated by Doxygen