a collection of perl/python/R scripts for maniputing 3C/4C/5C/Hi-C data.
This package requires:
libgd (2.0.28 or higher)
bedtools (bedtools or bedtools2)
R / Rscript
Python 2 (numpy,scipy,matplotlib)
for detailed list of requirements, please see environent.yml
It describes dependencies in a format compatible with conda
package manager.
You can download latest version of conda
from 'this' repository directory,
or simply execute the following set of commands:
curl -LO http://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -p ~/path/to/miniconda3 -b
rm Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
Once you have conda
installed and ~/path/to/miniconda3
added to you $PATH
you can create an environment with all the cworld dependencies:
conda config --set always_yes yes --set changeps1 no
conda env create --name cworld --file cworld_environment.yml
conda clean --tarballs --index-cache --lock
In order to build cworld
project and use its scripts,
you would need to activate cworld
environment, every time you log in to your Linux/Unix system:
source activate cworld
To check if your environment has been successfully activated, try which perl
, to make sure
you are using perl
executable that has been installed with conda
Before proceeding to cworld
building/installation/using, make sure that your actually have the most recent version of perl-GD
by doing:
perl -MGD -e 'print $GD::VERSION ."\n";'
The version should be higher than 2.56
. In case you have earlier version of perl-GD
, please, read the troubleshooting section of this manual.
To download/install dependencies:
libgd - https://github.com/libgd/libgd/releases
bedtools - https://github.com/arq5x/bedtools2/releases
R - https://cran.r-project.org/bin/
imagemagick - http://www.imagemagick.org/script/index.php
Please follow installation instructions per dependency.
LIBGD Troubleshooting
For Mac OSX:
brew install gd
For Linux:
yum install libgd
Once the environment with dependencies is all taken care of,
download the cworld
Grab the latest stable release
OR clone the git project
[ssh] - git clone [email protected]:blajoie/cworld-dekker.git
[https] - git clone https://github.com/blajoie/cworld-dekker.git
Change directory to the cworld-dekker
and install the Perl
perl Build.PL
./Build install --install_base /your/custom/dir
(ensure /your/custom/dir is added to your PERL5LIB path)
./Build install --install_base ~/perl5
# then in .bashrc
export PERL5LIB=${PERL5LIB}:/home/<yourusername>/perl5/lib/perl5
OR (to install globally - requires root!)
perl Build.PL
./Build install
To clean up after installing:
./Build distclean
After installing the module, you should be free to run anything in scripts/ e.g.
$ perl scripts/heatmap.pl
Trouble with libgd?
libgd 2.0.33 or higher required for copyRotated support
In the case you have chosen conda
package manager as a way to install software stack for cworld
, then you can fix libgd
issue, by manually installing perl-GD
The actual problem has nothing to do with old libgd
, but rather is an issue of perl-GD 2.56
distributed by bioconda
channel, the problem is described here lstein/Perl-GD#14. libgd
distributed by conda
repos is much more recent than 2.0.33
So, once you have your cworld
environment created accoring to the cworld_environment.yml
file, you can just install perl-GD
using instructions provided at: https://metacpan.org/pod/GD (installation section), either using cpanm
or from the interactive Perl shell.
Before proceeding to cworld
building/installation/using, make sure that your actually have the most recent version of perl-GD
by doing:
perl -MGD -e 'print $GD::VERSION ."\n";'
The version should be higher than 2.56
You need to install libgd 2.0.33 or higher. Try to compile from source.
Download and install libgd using this link - http://www.boutell.com/gd/http/gd-2.0.33.tar.gz
$ cd gd-2.0.33
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
More here - http://www.physics.buffalo.edu/phy410-505/tools/install/
- You will then need to re-build GD!
Uninstall GD e.g.
$ cpanp u GD
re-install GD
$ sudo cpan
install GD
This looks to be a known bug/issue. See below. http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-perl/2014-February/009206.html lstein/Perl-GD#14 http://www.ogris.de/oldnews.html
- Bryan Lajoie
- Twitter: @my5C
cworld::dekker is a large collection of perl / python / R scripts for manipulating 3C/4C/5C/Hi-C data
perl scripts/perl/addMatrixHeaders.pl -i sample-data/addMatrixHeaders/5C.naked.matrix.gz --xhf ../sample-data/addMatrixHeaders/5C.xHeaders.gz --yhf ../sample-data/addMatrixHeaders/5C.yHeaders.gz
perl scripts/perl/aggregateBED.pl -i sample-data/aggregrateBED/chrX.bed.gz --a mm9 --wsize 40000 --wstep 1 --wmode sum
perl scripts/perl/elementPileUp.pl -i sample-data/elementPileUp/NPC_chrX.matrix.gz --ebf ../sample-data/elementPileUp/Xi-escapees.bed --ezs 50000000 --ez --maxDist 50000000
perl scripts/perl/anchorPurge.pl -i sample-data/addMatrixHeaders/K5.matrix.gz --ic --ta 0.5
perl scripts/perl/applyCorrection.pl -i sample-data/addMatrixHeaders/K5.matrix.gz --ff ../sample-data/applyCorrection/K5.allPrimerFactors --ic
perl scripts/perl/binMatrix.pl -i sample-data/addMatrixHeaders/K5.matrix.gz --bsize 30000 --bstep 10 --bmode median
perl scripts/perl/changeMatrixHeaders.pl -i sample-data/addMatrixHeaders/K5.matrix.gz --hmf ../sample-data/changeMatrixHeaders/K5.headers.map
perl scripts/perl/collapseMatrix.pl -i sample-data/collapseMatrix/NPC_chr14-chr15-chr16.matrix.gz
perl scripts/perl/column2matrix.pl -i sample-data/column2matrix/K5.pairwise.txt.gz --oxh ../sample-data/column2matrix/K5.x.headers --oyh ../sample-data/column2matrix/K5.y.headers
perl scripts/perl/combineMatrices.pl -i sample-data/addMatrixHeaders/K5.matrix.gz -i sample-data/combineMatrices/GM.matrix.gz --cm max -o K5__GM
perl scripts/perl/compareInsulation.pl -1 ../sample-data/compareInsulation/N2.insulation.gz -2 ../sample-data/compareInsulation/SRy93.insulation.gz
perl scripts/perl/compareMatrices.pl -1 ../sample-data/addMatrixHeaders/K5.matrix.gz -2 ../sample-data/combineMatrices/GM.matrix.gz -o K5__GM --cm subtract
perl scripts/perl/correlateMatrices.pl -1 ../sample-data/addMatrixHeaders/K5.matrix.gz -2 ../sample-data/combineMatrices/GM.matrix.gz -o K5__GM
perl scripts/perl/coverageCorrect.pl -i sample-data/addMatrixHeaders/K5.matrix.gz --cm cis --ct 0.2
perl scripts/perl/digitizePicture.pl -i sample-data/digitizePicture/K5.png
perl scripts/perl/extractSubMatrices.pl -i sample-data/collapseMatrix/NPC_chr14-chr15-chr16.matrix.gz --ozc chr14:50000000--70000000 --ozc chr15:1--30000000 --ozc chr16:30000000--90000000 --ozc chr14:1--20000000
perl scripts/perl/fillMissingData.pl -i sample-data/fillMissingData/K5.outlierFiltered.matrix.gz
perl scripts/perl/generateBins.pl --r chr1:1-2000000 --bsize 30000 --bstep 10 -a hg19 chr1-FGF5
perl scripts/perl/heatmap.pl -i sample-data/binMatrix/K5__30000__10.matrix.gz -i sample-data/binMatrix/GM__30000__10.matrix.gz -o K5__GM__30000__10__median
perl scripts/perl/heatmap.pl -i sample-data/elementPileUp/NPC_chrX.matrix.gz --ebf ../sample-data/elementPileUp/Xi-escapees.bed --hc cyan
perl scripts/perl/insulation2tads.pl -i sample-data/insulation2tads/NPC.insulation.gz --b ../sample-data/insulation2tads/NPC.boundaries.gz
perl scripts/perl/interactionPileUp.pl -i sample-data/interactionPileUp/MeyersHiC-N2-DpnII.ce10.NA.H-10000-wDiag-noSS-iced.normalized.subset4000000__chrX__chrX__cis.matrix.gz --ebf ../sample-data/interactionPileUp/Top25RexPRex.bed --ezs 200000 --am sum --maxED 3
perl scripts/perl/matrix2anchorPlot.pl -i sample-data/addMatrixHeaders/K5.matrix.gz
perl scripts/perl/matrix2bed12.pl -i sample-data/matrix2anchorPlot/K5-highlight.matrix --start 1
perl scripts/perl/matrix2compartment.pl -i sample-data/collapseMatrix/NPC_chr14-chr15-chr16.matrix.gz
perl scripts/perl/matrix2compartment.pl -i sample-data/collapseMatrix/NPC_chr14-chr15-chr16.matrix.gz --ec
perl scripts/perl/matrix2direction.pl -i sample-data/collapseMatrix/NPC_chr14-chr15-chr16__chr14__chr14__cis.matrix.gz --ds 5000000
perl scripts/perl/matrix2distance.pl -i sample-data/addMatrixHeaders/K5.matrix.gz --sn
perl scripts/perl/matrix2headerBed.pl -i sample-data/collapseMatrix/NPC_chr14-chr15-chr16.matrix.gz
perl scripts/perl/matrix2info.pl -i sample-data/addMatrixHeaders/K5.matrix.gz
perl scripts/perl/matrix2insulationRange.pl -i sample-data/binMatrix/K5__30000__10.matrix.gz --istart 40000 --iend 4000000 --istep 40000 --im mean
perl scripts/perl/matrix2insulation.pl -i sample-data/collapseMatrix/NPC_chr14-chr15-chr16__chr14__chr14__cis.matrix.gz --is 480000 --ids 320000 --im iqrMean --nt 0 --ss 160000 --yb 1.5 --nt 0 --bmoe 0
perl scripts/perl/matrix2loess.pl -i sample-data/addMatrixHeaders/K5.matrix.gz --et
perl scripts/perl/matrix2pairwise.pl -i sample-data/addMatrixHeaders/K5.matrix.gz --et --sna --ez
perl scripts/perl/matrix2scaling.pl -i sample-data/addMatrixHeaders/K5.matrix.gz -i sample-data/combineMatrices/GM.matrix.gz -o K5__GM
perl scripts/perl/matrix2stacked.pl -i sample-data/collapseMatrix/NPC_chr14-chr15-chr16__chr14__chr14__cis.matrix.gz --maxDist 5000000
perl scripts/perl/matrix2symmetrical.pl -i sample-data/addMatrixHeaders/K5.matrix.gz
perl scripts/perl/matrix2webplot.pl -i sample-data/matrix2symmetrical/K5-highlight.symmetrical.matrix.gz
perl scripts/perl/normalizeMatrix.pl -i sample-data/addMatrixHeaders/K5.matrix.gz -i sample-data/combineMatrices/GM.matrix.gz
perl scripts/perl/reOrderMatrix.pl -i sample-data/addMatrixHeaders/K5.matrix.gz --xohl ../sample-data/reOrderMatrix/K5.rev --yohl ../sample-data/reOrderMatrix/K5.for
perl scripts/perl/singletonRemoval.pl -i sample-data/collapseMatrix/NPC_chr14-chr15-chr16.matrix.gz --it --ic --cta 2 --tta 2
perl scripts/perl/subsetMatrix.pl -i sample-data/collapseMatrix/NPC_chr14-chr15-chr16.matrix.gz -z chr14:20000000-40000000 --yz chr15:4000000-100000000 --xz chr16:20000000-100000000
perl scripts/perl/subsetMatrix.pl -i sample-data/collapseMatrix/NPC_chr14-chr15-chr16.matrix.gz --yz chr14:30000000-60000000 --yz chr15:20000000-50000000 --yz chr16:30000000-40000000 -z chr14:1-200000000
perl scripts/perl/symmetrical2seperate.pl -i sample-data/symmetrical2seperate/K5.symmetrical.matrix.gz
perl scripts/perl/tickPlot.pl -i sample-data/collapseMatrix/NPC_chr14-chr15-chr16__chr14__chr14__cis.matrix.gz --ebf ../sample-data/tickPlot/chr14.bed --bs 25
- [12/02/2017]
recipie was added to simplify installation and provide full list of dependencies. Accompanied by minimal changes in thePython
code. - [future]
images need to be created to simplify dependencies handling even further. - [future] get rid of
Python package in favor ofCython
and transition toPython3
to makecworld
compatible withcooltools
For bugs, questions and discussions please use the Github Issues.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.