Lua compiler and iterpreter to run on microcontroller (AVR 8 bit)
uLua aimed to run Lua scripts on microcontrollers with very limited resources, like RAM. uLua should work on microcontrollers with RAM >= 1k. Second thing which uLua should achieve is fast code interpreter. Goal is 1 Million Lua instructions on 10 MIPS (10 MHz for AVR). Usage
luac.exe -s -o alltest.luc alltest.lua
ChunkSpy.lua alltest.luc alltest.lua -o alltest.lst
uLuaPC.exe alltest.luc
ChunkSpy.lua - optional. This script used to generate listing file from compiled luc file. Features
Currenly support:
function calls global consts global and local variables math operations for loops native functions (like print()) closures with upvalues garbage collector
Following code could be executed by uLua.
--load nil test
function loadtest()
local a,b,c,d,e = nil,nil,0
local aa,bb = true,false
-- for loop test
for i = 1, 3, 1 do
for i = 3, 1, -1 do
-- upvalue test
function newCounter ()
local i = 0
return function () -- anonymous function
i = i + 1
return i
c1 = newCounter()
print(c1()) --> 1
print(c1()) --> 2
print(c1()) --> 3
-- function call test
function func1(par1,par2)
local local1 = par1 + par2
return local1
function func2(par1,par2,par3)
local local1 = par1 + par2
local local2 = par3 * par3
local1 = local1 + local2
return local1
result1 = func1(a,b)
result2 = func2(a,b,c)
print("Result1 = ", result1)
print("Result2 = ", result2)
--math test
local a,b = 2,4; a = a + 4 * b - a / 2 ^ b % 3
print("a + 4 * b - a / 2 ^ b % 3 = ", a)
--conditional jumps test
if a ~= b
then print("a != b")
if a > b
then print("a > b")
if a >= b
then print("a >= b")
if a < b
then print("a < b")
if a <= b
then print("a <= b")
if a == b
then print("a == b")
Upcoming features:
GC - garbage collector. Currenly implemented GC heap standard functions, like:
//initialize garbage collector and memory management
void gcInit();
//create new variable and return its number
gcvarpt* gcNew(vartype type);
//create new variable with given size and return its number
gcvarpt* gcNew(vartype type, u08 size);
//delete variable
void gcDelete(gcvarpt* variable);
Tables - widly used in lua variable type. Will be implemented as hash table. GC should be implemented first.
Supported Operands
OP_CODE | NAME | Description |
0 | MOVE | Copy a value between registers |
1 | LOADK | Load a constant into a register |
2 | LOADBOOL | Load a boolean into a register |
3 | LOADNIL | Load nil values into a range of registers |
4 | GETUPVAL | Read an upvalue into a register |
5 | GETGLOBAL | Read a global variable into a register |
7 | SETGLOBAL | Write a register value into a global variable |
8 | SETUPVAL | Write a register value into an upvalue |
12 | ADD | Addition operator |
13 | SUB | Subtraction operator |
14 | MUL | Multiplication operator |
15 | DIV | Division operator |
16 | MOD | Modulus (remainder) operator |
17 | POW | Exponentiation operator |
22 | JMP | Unconditional jump |
23 | EQ | Equality test |
24 | LT | Less than test |
25 | LE | Less than or equal to test |
28 | CALL | Call a closure |
36 | CLOSURE | Create a closure of a function prototype |
30 | RETURN | Return from function call |
31 | FORLOOP | Iterate a numeric for loop |
32 | FORPREP | Initialization for a numeric for loop |
Not yet supported
OP_CODE | NAME | Description |
6 | GETTABLE | Read a table element into a register |
9 | SETTABLE | Write a register value into a table element |
10 | NEWTABLE | Create a new table |
11 | SELF | Prepare an object method for calling |
18 | UNM | Unary minus operator |
19 | NOT | Logical NOT operator |
20 | LEN | Length operator |
21 | CONCAT | Concatenate a range of registers |
26 | TEST | Boolean test, with conditional jump |
27 | TESTSET | Boolean test, with conditional jump and assignment |
29 | TAILCALL | Perform a tail call |
33 | TFORLOOP | Iterate a generic for loop |
34 | SETLIST | Set a range of array elements for a table |
35 | CLOSE | Close a range of locals being used as upvalues |
37 | VARARG | Assign vararg function arguments to registers |
Known Issues
GC could leak, implemented simple reference counting logic. Reference cycling is not supported.