Readonly 4chan fuse filesystem in golang (on linux)
go get
Fuse must be installed.
apt install fuse
lsmod | grep fuse
fuse 118784 1
Tested on debian stretch with go 1.10
mkdir /tmp/mnt
fourfuse /tmp/mnt
### List boards
ls /tmp/mnt
'Do It Yourself'
'Shit 4chan Says'
### List threads posts
ls /tmp/mnt/Photography | head
1971605 Go pro Please post images that are JPG format smaller than
1971605 Go pro Please post images that are JPG format smaller than_t.jpg
3260531 Segue Thread
3260531 Segue Thread_t.jpg
3261816 So the goddamn sun came out for once and I tried to use th
3261816 So the goddamn sun came out for once and I tried to use th_t.jpg
### Find Photography gear threads
ls -d /tmp/mnt/Photography/*Gear*
'/tmp/mnt/Photography/3310621 gear Gear thread' '/tmp/mnt/Photography/3313958 gear Gear thread'
'/tmp/mnt/Photography/3310621 gear Gear thread_t.jpg' '/tmp/mnt/Photography/3313958 gear Gear thread_t.jpg'
# "*_t.jpg" is the thumbnails for each thread
### Show comment of one of the posts in the gear thread
cat /tmp/mnt/Photography/3310621\ gear\ Gear\ thread/3310621\ gear\ Gear\ thread/comment.txt
Last thread: >>3307144
Read the sticky first!
Post anything gear related, cameras, lenses, filters, bags, tripods, other accessories (clothing, fancy straps, Leica) etc...
Post your question here, instead of starting a new thread about which lens to buy or what are the best beginner cameras.
### List all images in the gear thread
ls /tmp/mnt/Photography/3310621\ gear\ Gear\ thread/images
3310621 01.jpg
3310634 asd.jpg
3310636 xr-s.jpg
- Images inside a of a directory are prefetched when moving sequentially, ordered by name. This can result in a seemless browsing experience.
- 4chan API's restriction of 1 request per second is honored, therefore listing directories and the amount of entries can be slow
- Accessing boards in a file explorer that lists directories might take long since they try to display the number of contained files. It might help to switch to an icon view mode before browsing.
- Threads and Posts are not updated you will have to kill and restart the app for that
- A lot of memory might be used since a lot of the data is cached
For images of the board Photography.
# Setup the fuse mount
fourfuse /tmp/mnt
# Download all files in the images/ directories - will take a while
rsync --recursive --human-readable --stats --progress --time-limit=30 --prune-empty-dirs --include="*/" --include="images/*.*" --exclude="*" /tmp/mnt/Photography /tmp/photos
# Remove empty directories
find . -type d -empty -delete
Enable more logging by enabling it in lib/logger.go
Automatically build your code to get quick feedback. Combines well with automatically saving editors, there is a plugin for vim (vim-auto-save).
reflex -r '\.go$' -- bash -c 'echo -e "---\n\n\n" ; go build && echo "ok"'
- reflex file change watcher
# I also use goimports
goimports -w -d .
- Update threads
- After timeout – the api recommends min 1 minute
- Dynamically increase the prefetch amount if hit multiple times
- Provide thread text view in a single file
- Embed post comments in image exif data to get all infos via an image viewer
- Configure prefetch amount and workers etc. via cli parameters
- bazil/fuse – thanks!
- moshee/go-4chan-api – thanks!