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Middleware library for hooking up PouchDB to re-frame.

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pouchdb-fx is a middleware effects library used to hook up PouchDB to re-frame.

Here's a code walkthrough of how to use this to make a simple offline-first application with built-in sync.

Basic Usage

Add the following dependency to your project.clj:

[com.stronganchortech/pouchdb-fx "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]

Clojars Project

You will also need to install pouchdb and the pouchdb-find plugin into your project. If you are using the re-frame lein template, you may simply npm i pouchdb pouchdb-find.

:require the following into your namespace to register the :pouchdb event handler and effects handler in re-frame

[com.stronganchortech.pouchdb-fx :as pouchdb-fx]

Then you can dispatch :pouchdb events to interact with PouchDB. For example, here's a button that cancels the syncing on the PouchDB database name "my-database-name".

[:button {:on-click #(re-frame/dispatch [:pouchdb {:method :cancel-sync!
                                                   :db "my-database-name"}])}
 "Cancel Sync"]

Here's a Reagent component that will create a new document based on the text in a input field:

(defn create-note []
  (let [text (reagent/atom "")]
    (fn []
       [:h3 "Create a document using post"]
       [:input {:type :text :value @text
                :on-change #(reset! text (-> % .-target .-value))}]
       [:button {:on-click #(re-frame/dispatch
                              {:db "example"
                               :method :post
                               :doc {:type "note" :text @text}
                               :success :some-other-re-frame-event
                               :failure (fn [e] (println "failure: " e))
        "Create document"]])))

Note that the :success and :failure handlers can either be lambda functions or can be re-frame events that will be dispatched.

To determine what key-values to pass in to a :pouchdb event, simply refer to the :pouchdb fx handler in pouchdb_fx.cljs and to the PouchDB API docs. There is also example usage in the pouchdb-fx-examples project.

Databases are referred to in the :db field using a database name which must be a string. Keyword database names are not supported at this time.

You don't need to create a database before using it. The first time you dispatch a :pouchdb event with a db name, the library will create the PouchDB object and cache it locally for subsequent uses during the session.

Keeping re-frame in sync with what's in PouchDB.

I recommend the following pattern. In your events.cljs, use a defonce to create your database and attach a change handler that dispatches a :load-from-pouch event any time there is a change:

(defonce setup-watcher
   {:live true}

You can then create a pair of event handlers to do the doc load and set it into the app-db:

 (fn [{:keys [db pouchdb-docs]} [_ add-sync?]]
    {:db "the-name-of-your-database"
     :method :all-docs
     :options {:include_docs true}
     :success :pouchdb-alldocs-success

 (fn [{:keys [db]} [_  all-docs]]
   (let [docs (mapv :doc (:rows all-docs))]
      {:db (assoc db :docs docs)})))

Then your subscriptions functions in subs.cljs will just read out of the app-db node that :pouchdb-alldocs-success dumped everything into.

This works well for small apps where the entire PouchDB can be loaded in totality into an app-db node. For larger apps, add logic to the change-watcher to dispatch events based off of the type of document changed, and in these various event handlers use query or find to pull back just the relevant documents into your app-db node.


Copyright © 2020 Aaron Decker

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at

This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at


Middleware library for hooking up PouchDB to re-frame.






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