- Install the Node.js runtime: https://nodejs.org
- In a terminal window, run:
npm install -g cf-generator
To generate a CSV file with UUIDs, run the following command in terminal: clubfoos-generate-uuid [OPTIONS]
The tool supports the following options:
clubfoos-generate-uuid [OPTIONS]
-f, --from [NUMBER] Number to start generating codes from (Default is 1)
-n, --number [NUMBER] Number of codes to generate, starting at <from> (Default is 10)
-p, --prefix [STRING] Prefix for each code (Default is cf)
-o, --outfile [STRING] Filename write the CSV to (Default is codes.csv)
-h, --help Display help and usage details
Example: to generate a list of 400 UUIDs, starting at 1 you would issue the following command:
clubfoos-generate-uuid --from 1 --number 400 --outfile UUIDs.csv