An example of Shipa Terraform's Provider. In this example Terraform will spin up needed Shipa objects and resources. You will need to have Terraform installed.
Can check out the Shipa Documentation around Teraform to learn more about the structure and how to create each Shipa Object via Terraform.
Will need to grab your target and API key.
- Target -> Head to Settings (click on user icon top right), then General.
- API Key -> Leverage the Shipa CLI to create one and assign a role. API Key Creation Doc or show the default token.
#Use default token for quick example.
shipa token show
#TF steps. Can use the .tfvars in this project.
terraform init
terraform plan -var-file="env/dist.tfvars"
terraform apply -var-file="env/dist.tfvars"
This demo was given by Shipa at HashiTalks days.
Creating a Shipa RBAC role specifically for this. WIP. Will connect to default "shipa-team".
shipa token create --team shipa-team --id tfprovidertoken
shipa role permission add tfsys cluster framework node app
shipa role assign tfsys tfprovidertoken