Gridchen is now merged to
Very lightweight and fast editable web grid with strict MS-Excel adherence to user experience. Modern as of year 2020 (web components, es6 modules) with no dependencies.
If you need to edit mixed hierarchical and grid data, please visit sister project form-chen.
- Use a CDN such as
- or git-clone a release
- or copy the gridchen module folder
- or
pip install gridchen
- or
npm install gridchen
All stable releases are tagged.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="module">
import ""
import {createView} from ""
import {createTransactionManager} from "";
// The JSON schema defines the data structure of the matrix.
const schema = {
title: 'Array of Row Arrays',
type: 'array',
items: {
type: 'array',
items: [
{title: 'SomeDate', type: 'string', format:'full-date'},
{title: 'SomeNumber', type: 'number'}
const rows = [['2019-01-01', 1], ['2020-01-01', 2], ['2021-01-01', 3]];
const view = createView(schema, rows);
const tm = createTransactionManager();
document.querySelector('grid-chen').resetFromView(view, tm);
We try to mimic MS-Excel as close as possible.
See also Keyboard shortcuts in Excel
Key | Action |
Ctrl+Z | Undo last transaction |
Ctrl+Y | Redo, reverse last undo |
Arrows | Move active cell up/down/left/right (not in edit mode) |
Tab | Move active cell right (non-rolling) |
Enter | Move active cell down (non-rolling) |
Shift+Enter | Move active cell up (non-rolling) |
Shift+Tab | Move active cell left (non-rolling) |
SHIFT+Arrows | Select a range of cells |
Ctrl+Space | Select entire column |
Shift+Space | Select entire row |
Shift+MouseClick | Expand selection |
Ctrl+MouseClick | Multi-select cells |
Ctrl+'-' | Delete selected row |
Ctrl+'+' | Insert row before selection |
Alt + Enter | In edit mode, insert newline |
Page Down | Move one page down |
Page Up | Move one page up |
Ctrl+A | Select all grid cells (same as Ctrl+A in an Excel List Object) |
Ctrl+A Ctrl+A | Select the entire grid including header (same as Ctrl+A Ctrl+A in an Excel List Object) |
ESC | Cancel edit or input mode |
Delete | Remove selected cells contents |
Ctrl+C | Copy selected cells to clipboard |
Ctrl+V | Paste clipboard into selected cells |
Ctrl+X | Cut |
F2 | Enter edit mode; In input or edit mode, toggle between input and edit. |
Alt+F1 | Open a modal chart of the selection. |
Backspace | In input or edit mode, deletes one character to the left |
Delete | In input or edit mode, deletes one character to the right |
End | In input or edit mode, move to the end of the text |
Home | In input or edit mode, move to the beginning of the text |
gridchen has a light and dark mode. The desired mode is sniffed through the background color intensity of the body element. There are currently no other explicit CSS hooks, such as CSS custom properties.
⚠ Some dark reader (for example Dark Reader) extensions may show inferior results when converting light to dark mode than gridchen's native dark mode.
- Do not use JSON Patch replace for a remove operation!
- TransactionManager: Do not add properties cell to patch array.
- Handle clipboard not permitted errors
- Improve encapsulation of JavaScript API
- Show 1 empty row at end (Slider issue)
- Avoid refreshing complete viewport on cell change
- Handling of Infinity and NaN (#NV in de-de)
Bump version in
and git tag
python sdist bdist_wheel
python -m twine upload dist/*
Bump version in gridchen/package.json
and git tag
cd gridchen & npm publish
- SpreadJS
- SlickGrid
- ag-Grid
- canvas-datagrid
- fin-hypergrid
- FlexGrid
As gridchen has no dependencies, we do not need any packaging or use of bare import spec remapping like Skypack