A mini Marionette for Backbone.js
Minionette provides three highly optimized View classes for you to use,
, Minionette.ModelView
, and
. Each class is designed to ease development,
from using several performance boosting techniques during rendering to
placing subviews directly in templates and allowing the subviews to be
easily removed.
Because Backbone doesn't get much better than this:
var NavItem = Minionette.ModelView.extend({
tagName: 'li',
template: _.template('<a href="<%= href %>"><%= text %></a>')
var Nav = Minionette.CollectionView.extend({
ModelView: NavItem,
tagName: 'ul',
template: _.template('<li>First</li><li class="last">last</li>'),
appendModelView: function(view) {
var Main = Minionette.View.extend({
template: _.template('<p>Some content from another view</p>')
var navCollection = new Backbone.Collection([
{ text: 'home', href: '/' },
{ text: 'google', href: 'http://google.com/' }
var App = Minionette.View.extend({
el: $('body'),
template: _.template(
'<nav><%= view("nav") %></nav>' +
'<div id="content"></div>'
regions: {
nav: new Nav({collection: navCollection}),
content: '#content'
var app = (new App()).render();
app.content.attach(new Main()).render();
is the base View class, providing an easy way to
listen for events on an associated model or collection, an actually
useful generic rendering function, easy subviews (AKA Regions).
s help manage subviews of a Minionette.View
allowing you to specify directly in a template where a subview should be
attached. A view can have any number of regions, each managing their own
part of the overall view.
is nothing more than Minionette.View
with two
minor tweaks to easily support rendering models.
is an optimized Minionette.View
for your
Backbone collections. It quickly handles rendering using a
DocumentFragment, ensuring at most three content reflows even with
hundreds of models to render. The most important feature of
is the #ModelView
property, from which all models
will have a view instantiated from.
Full support for Handlebars.js templating is trivial. Just use the following:
Handlebars.registerHelper('view', function(name) {
return new Handlebars.SafeString(this.view(name));
This will allow for template subview insertion using the special {{view 'regionName'}}
Full support for Mustache.js templating takes just a bit more effort.
You must override the internal-use _serialize()
method in your view
with the following:
var View = Minionette.extend({
_serialize: function() {
var _viewHelper = this._viewHelper;
return _.extend({view: function() { return _viewHelper; }}, this.serialize());
This will allow for template subview insertion using the special
syntax. For ease of use, have all of
your new View classes extend from this, and they will all be compatible
with Mustache.