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Enhanced Conditions

eclarke12 edited this page Aug 19, 2020 · 1 revision


Enhanced Conditions attempts to augment the status effect system built into Foundry by providing a way to associate icons with Conditions in the Condition Lab


The heart of the Enhanced Conditions gadget is the Condition Lab--a tool for mapping Conditions to Icons.

Condition Lab

condition lab

  1. Mapping Type
  2. Mapping Row
  3. Icon
  4. Condition Name
  5. Reference Type
  6. Reference Source
  7. Reference Entry
  8. Apply Trigger
  9. Remove Trigger
  10. Options
  11. Delete Row
  12. Add Row
  13. Save Mapping
  14. Reset Mapping
  15. Restore Defaults
  16. Import/Export

Mapping Type

The Mapping Type defines the configurability of the mapping with the following options:

System - Default

A CUB-provided mapping for the current game system. Note: only shows up for systems that are known to CUB

System - Inferred

An automatically created mapping from the icons currently in use. Note: only shows up for systems that are not "known" to CUB

System - Custom

If you attempt to make changes in the System - Default or System - Inferred mapping, the Condition Lab switches automatically to the System - Custom mapping type, which allows adding and removing rows, as well as editing existing rows


A blank slate for total customisation of the mapping. Note: Imported mappings automatically siwitch to this Mapping Type

Mapping Row

This is the container that holds the following items


The icon includes a preview of the image to be used for the condition as well as its path. The path can be updated manually, or you can click the Filepicker button and select an image that way

Condition Name

This is the name that will be displayed in Chat and as a hover-tooltip on the icon in the Token's Status effects HUD

Reference Type

The reference type allows you to constrain the next two dropdowns to a specific type of reference. The options are JournalEntry Compendium, JournalEntry, Item, Item Compendium
