Silex-rest is a REST implementation based on Silex, Doctrine and many other components. It allows you to create a restful service in no-time.
You can either set-up the project by yourself or use Vagrant.
- Installation using Vagrant:
- Install vagrant
- Run vagrant up
- Verify your working service on
- Manual installation:
- Make sure to install the project dependencies apache2 mysql-server php5 php-apc php5-xdebug php5-cli php5-mysql
- Install composer
- Run composer update
- Edit app/config/config.yml to match your requirements
- Make sure the cache and logs that the directories you've configured are writable
- Make sure the database you've configured exists
- Run app/console orm:schema-tool:update to load the database schema
- Configure your webserver to point to public/ and enable mod_rewrite
- Verify your working service