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Jens Doose edited this page Nov 29, 2015 · 7 revisions

SlickGrid exposes the following events:

  • onScroll
    (args is an object with "scrollLeft" and "scrollTop" properties)
  • onSort
    (args is an object with "multiColumnSort", "sortCol" and "sortAsc" properties)
  • onHeaderContextMenu
    (args is an object with "column" property)
  • onHeaderClick
    (args is an object with "column" property)
  • onMouseEnter
    (args is an empty object)
  • onMouseLeave
    (args is an empty object)
  • onClick
    (args is an object with "row" and "cell" properties, containing index of row and cell)
  • onDblClick
    (args is an object with "row" and "cell" properties)
  • onContextMenu
    (args is an empty object)
  • onKeyDown
    (args is an object with "row" and "cell" properties)
  • onAddNewRow
    (args is an object with "item" and "column" properties)
  • onValidationError
    (args is an object with these properties: "editor", "cellNode", "validationResult", "row", "cell", "column")
  • onViewportChanged
    (args is an empty object)
  • onColumnsReordered
    (args is an object with "impactedColumns" property)
  • onColumnsResized
    (args is an empty object)
  • onCellChange
    (args is an object with these properties: "row", "cell", "item")
  • onBeforeEditCell
    (args is an object with these properties: "row", "cell", "item", "column")
  • onBeforeCellEditorDestroy
    (args is an object with "editor" property)
  • onHeaderCellRendered
    (args is an object with "node" and "column" properties)
  • onBeforeHeaderCellDestroy
    (args is an object with "node" and "column" properties)
  • onBeforeDestroy
    (args is an empty object)
  • onActiveCellChanged
    (args is an object with "row" and "cell" properties, containing the active cell or null if there is none)
  • onActiveCellPositionChanged
    (args is an empty object)
  • onDragInit
  • onDragStart
  • onDrag
  • onDragEnd
  • onSelectedRowsChanged
    (args is an object with "rows" property)
  • onCellCssStylesChanged
    (args is an object with "key" and "hash" properties)
  • onBeforeFooterRowCellDestroy
    (args is an object with "node" and "column" properties)
  • onFooterRowCellRendered
    (args is an object with "node" and "column" properties)
  • onHeaderMouseEnter
    (args is an object with "column" property)
  • onHeaderMouseLeave
    (args is an object with "column" property)

You can subscribe to the above events using a syntax similar to:

gridInstance.onXYZEvent.subscribe(function(e, args){
    //event handling code.

The handler is called with these arguments:
e: Slick.EventData, which mimics the jQuery EventData.
args: event specific data

Event handlers can also be removed with
