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Common: add run 3 centrality study task (AliceO2Group#5834)
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* Common: add run 3 centrality study task

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Co-authored-by: ALICE Builder <[email protected]>
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ddobrigk and alibuild authored Apr 25, 2024
1 parent a1ad128 commit 0460fcc
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Showing 2 changed files with 173 additions and 0 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions Common/Tasks/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -78,3 +78,8 @@ o2physics_add_dpl_workflow(qvectors-correction
SOURCES qVectorsCorrection.cxx
PUBLIC_LINK_LIBRARIES O2::Framework O2Physics::AnalysisCore

SOURCES centralityStudy.cxx
PUBLIC_LINK_LIBRARIES O2::Framework O2Physics::AnalysisCore
168 changes: 168 additions & 0 deletions Common/Tasks/centralityStudy.cxx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
// See for details of the copyright holders.
// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.
// This task does dedicated centrality studies for understanding the
// Run 3 Pb-Pb centrality selections in 2023 data. It is compatible with
// derived data.

#include "Framework/runDataProcessing.h"
#include "Framework/AnalysisTask.h"
#include "Framework/AnalysisDataModel.h"
#include "Common/DataModel/McCollisionExtra.h"
#include "Common/DataModel/Multiplicity.h"
#include "Common/DataModel/EventSelection.h"
#include "Framework/O2DatabasePDGPlugin.h"
#include "TH1F.h"
#include "TH2F.h"

using namespace o2;
using namespace o2::framework;

using BCsWithRun3Matchings = soa::Join<aod::BCs, aod::Timestamps, aod::Run3MatchedToBCSparse>;

struct centralityStudy {
// Raw multiplicities
HistogramRegistry histos{"Histos", {}, OutputObjHandlingPolicy::AnalysisObject};

// Configurables
Configurable<bool> do2DPlots{"do2DPlots", true, "0 - no, 1 - yes"};
Configurable<bool> applySel8{"applySel8", true, "0 - no, 1 - yes"};
Configurable<bool> applyVtxZ{"applyVtxZ", true, "0 - no, 1 - yes"};

// Apply extra event selections
Configurable<bool> rejectITSROFBorder{"rejectITSROFBorder", true, "reject events at ITS ROF border"};
Configurable<bool> rejectTFBorder{"rejectTFBorder", true, "reject events at TF border"};
Configurable<bool> requireIsVertexITSTPC{"requireIsVertexITSTPC", true, "require events with at least one ITS-TPC track"};
Configurable<bool> requireIsGoodZvtxFT0VsPV{"requireIsGoodZvtxFT0VsPV", true, "require events with PV position along z consistent (within 1 cm) between PV reconstructed using tracks and PV using FT0 A-C time difference"};
Configurable<bool> requireIsVertexTOFmatched{"requireIsVertexTOFmatched", true, "require events with at least one of vertex contributors matched to TOF"};
Configurable<bool> requireIsVertexTRDmatched{"requireIsVertexTRDmatched", true, "require events with at least one of vertex contributors matched to TRD"};
Configurable<bool> rejectSameBunchPileup{"rejectSameBunchPileup", true, "reject collisions in case of pileup with another collision in the same foundBC"};

// Configurable Axes
ConfigurableAxis axisMultFT0C{"axisMultFT0C", {2000, 0, 100000}, "FT0C amplitude"};
ConfigurableAxis axisMultPVContributors{"axisMultPVContributors", {200, 0, 6000}, "Number of PV Contributors"};
ConfigurableAxis axisMultITSOnly{"axisMultITSOnly", {200, 0, 6000}, "Number of ITS only tracks"};
ConfigurableAxis axisMultITSTPC{"axisMultITSTPC", {200, 0, 6000}, "Number of ITSTPC matched tracks"};

void init(InitContext&)
if (doprocessCollisions) {
const AxisSpec axisCollisions{100, -0.5f, 99.5f, "Number of collisions"};
histos.add("hCollisionSelection", "hCollisionSelection", kTH1D, {{10, -0.5f, +9.5f}});
histos.get<TH1>(HIST("hCollisionSelection"))->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1, "All collisions");
histos.get<TH1>(HIST("hCollisionSelection"))->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2, "sel8 cut");
histos.get<TH1>(HIST("hCollisionSelection"))->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(3, "posZ cut");
histos.get<TH1>(HIST("hCollisionSelection"))->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(4, "kNoITSROFrameBorder");
histos.get<TH1>(HIST("hCollisionSelection"))->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(5, "kNoTimeFrameBorder");
histos.get<TH1>(HIST("hCollisionSelection"))->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(6, "kIsVertexITSTPC");
histos.get<TH1>(HIST("hCollisionSelection"))->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(7, "kIsGoodZvtxFT0vsPV");
histos.get<TH1>(HIST("hCollisionSelection"))->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(8, "kIsVertexTOFmatched");
histos.get<TH1>(HIST("hCollisionSelection"))->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(9, "kIsVertexTRDmatched");
histos.get<TH1>(HIST("hCollisionSelection"))->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(10, "kNoSameBunchPileup");

histos.add("hFT0C_Collisions", "hFT0C_Collisions", kTH1D, {axisMultFT0C});

if (doprocessBCs) {
histos.add("hBCSelection", "hBCSelection", kTH1D, {{10, -0.5, 9.5f}});
histos.add("hFT0C_BCs", "hFT0C_BCs", kTH1D, {axisMultFT0C});

if (do2DPlots) {
histos.add("hFT0CvsNContribs", "hFT0CvsNContribs", kTH2F, {axisMultPVContributors, axisMultFT0C});
histos.add("hMatchedVsITSOnly", "hMatchedVsITSOnly", kTH2F, {axisMultITSOnly, axisMultITSTPC});

void processCollisions(soa::Join<aod::Mults, aod::MultsExtra, aod::MultSelections>::iterator const& collision)
histos.fill(HIST("hCollisionSelection"), 0); // all collisions
if (applySel8 && !collision.multSel8())
histos.fill(HIST("hCollisionSelection"), 1);
if (applyVtxZ && TMath::Abs(collision.multPVz()) > 10)
histos.fill(HIST("hCollisionSelection"), 2);

// _______________________________________________________
// Extra event selections start here
if (rejectITSROFBorder && !collision.selection_bit(o2::aod::evsel::kNoITSROFrameBorder)) {
histos.fill(HIST("hCollisionSelection"), 3 /* Not at ITS ROF border */);

if (rejectTFBorder && !collision.selection_bit(o2::aod::evsel::kNoTimeFrameBorder)) {
histos.fill(HIST("hCollisionSelection"), 4 /* Not at TF border */);

if (requireIsVertexITSTPC && !collision.selection_bit(o2::aod::evsel::kIsVertexITSTPC)) {
histos.fill(HIST("hCollisionSelection"), 5 /* Contains at least one ITS-TPC track */);

if (requireIsGoodZvtxFT0VsPV && !collision.selection_bit(o2::aod::evsel::kIsGoodZvtxFT0vsPV)) {
histos.fill(HIST("hCollisionSelection"), 6 /* PV position consistency check */);

if (requireIsVertexTOFmatched && !collision.selection_bit(o2::aod::evsel::kIsVertexTOFmatched)) {
histos.fill(HIST("hCollisionSelection"), 7 /* PV with at least one contributor matched with TOF */);

if (requireIsVertexTRDmatched && !collision.selection_bit(o2::aod::evsel::kIsVertexTRDmatched)) {
histos.fill(HIST("hCollisionSelection"), 8 /* PV with at least one contributor matched with TRD */);

if (rejectSameBunchPileup && !collision.selection_bit(o2::aod::evsel::kNoSameBunchPileup)) {
histos.fill(HIST("hCollisionSelection"), 9 /* Not at same bunch pile-up */);

// if we got here, we also finally fill the FT0C histogram, please
histos.fill(HIST("hFT0C_Collisions"), collision.multFT0C() /* Not at same bunch pile-up */);

if (do2DPlots) {
histos.fill(HIST("hFT0CvsNContribs"), collision.multNTracksPV(), collision.multFT0C());
histos.fill(HIST("hMatchedVsITSOnly"), collision.multNTracksITSOnly(), collision.multNTracksITSTPC());

void processBCs(aod::MultsBC::iterator const& multbc)
// process BCs, calculate FT0C distribution
// conditionals suggested by FIT team (Jacek O. et al)
histos.fill(HIST("hBCSelection"), 0); // all BCs
if (!multbc.multBCColliding())
histos.fill(HIST("hBCSelection"), 1); // colliding
if (!multbc.multBCTVX())
histos.fill(HIST("hBCSelection"), 2); // TVX
if (!multbc.multBCFV0OrA())
histos.fill(HIST("hBCSelection"), 3); // FV0OrA

// if we got here, we also finally fill the FT0C histogram, please
histos.fill(HIST("hFT0C_BCs"), multbc.multBCFT0C());

PROCESS_SWITCH(centralityStudy, processCollisions, "per-collision analysis", true);
PROCESS_SWITCH(centralityStudy, processBCs, "per-BC analysis", true);

WorkflowSpec defineDataProcessing(ConfigContext const& cfgc)
return WorkflowSpec{

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