Install the dependencies in requirements.txt
Start Pyro4 name server, you do this executing from a terminal the bash file start_nameserver.sh You can specify as a parameter the ip of the name server, default is
Check configuration file ./Backend/Settings.py for setting variables for DHT
Use Node.py script to start a Node this can be found in the Node class. You use the script the following way open a terminal and go to the root of the project folder, then execute:
python3 -m Backend.DHT.Node
This will create/start the node and the maintenance jobs will start automatically.
Please check --help option of the command for more information.
For testing the streaming you can use
python3 -m Backend.Testing.client.Client
else you can test it without streaming (for now, soon streaming will be integrated to GUI) by using GUI app, you execute it like this:
python3 -m MediaPlayer.mediaplayer