- To standup the three containers in the mac run:
$ docker-compose up -d
- To access the ElasticSearch GUI, it needs a plugin to be installed on the elastic search container, to install it run
$ docker-compose ps
$ docker exec -it <ElasticSearch container name> bash
$ /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/plugin install mobz/elasticsearch-head
The GUI of ElasticSearch can be accessed at http://localhost:9200/_plugin/head/
- The GUI of Influxdb can be accessed at http://localhost:8083
- The GUI of Grafana can be accessed at http://localhost:3000 with credentials: admin/admin
$ docker-compose ps
$ docker exec -it <Influxdb container name> bash
$ curl https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/noaa.water.database.0.9/NOAA_data.txt > NOAA_data.txt
$ influx -import -path=NOAA_data.txt -precision=s
- Access http://localhost:8083/(influxdb) and select database NOAA_water_database and Query: SHOW MEASUREMENTS
- Add a Datasource in grafana http://localhost:3000/datasources
- Fill the details similar to image below and save it.
- Create a new Dashboard
- Create rows in dashboards
- Create Graph
- Select Panel data source as Influx and select the queries, one could see all the MEASUREMENTS which got populated in the influxdb in the grafana MEASUREMENTS.
- Once appropriate MEASUREMENTS are selected click the "x" on the right corner and save it.
More on Grafana dashboards and UI, Look at http://docs.grafana.org/guides/gettingstarted/
- Navigate to Openstack Readme and complete installation steps.