EECS 498 arm lab
To start listening to lcm messages:
cd java
To get ttyUSB:
ls /dev/ttyUSB*
To start the arm driver:
java -cp "$CLASSPATH:/home/MYUSERNAME/arm_lab/java/armlab.jar" armlab.arm.ArmDriver -d /dev/ttyUSB[x]
To start listening to the arm location:
java -cp "$CLASSPATH:/home/MYUSERNAME/arm_lab/java/arlstaff.jar" arlstaff.arm.ArmController -d /dev/ttyUSB[x]
Code info: For manuel control of arm Class to run The master class that does template matching and calls all necessary classes Contains pickUp90 and pickUpStraight state machines for arm Methods: pickUp90(double armDistance, double angle); (returns array of 6 servo angles) pickUpStraight(double armDistance, double angle); (returns array of 6 servo angles) Checks constraints and makes call to LCMSend. Methods: check(double[] angles); (returns array of 6 servo angles) Sends out servo angles to the robot Methods: send(double[] angles);
This is an example of how the objects would call each other: | |->StateMachine.ballPickUp(still need to figure out these params) | |->ConstraintCheck.check(angles) | |->LCMSend.send(angles)
Arm Dimensions: Base: x: 5cm y: 7.5cm z: 4cm
Pivot1: x: 4cm y: 4.5cm z: 4cm
Length1: x: 4cm y: 10.5cm z: 4.5cm
Length2: x: 3.5cm y: 10cm z: 4.5cm
Length3: x: 3.5cm y: 8cm z: 6.5cm
Pivot2: x: 5cm y: 2cm z: 5.5cm
Claw (opens and closes in the negative x direction): x: 12cm y: 8.5cm z: 5.5cm