description: get the latest release name from github or gitlab project
- options:
- repo: description: url to the git repo required: true choices: ['', '', 'gitlab.your_instance.suffix']
- namespace: description: the group, namespace or owner where the git project is required: true
- project: description: the name of the project, usually in the url it's the part before the .git required: true
- draft: description: only used with, set to true if you want to get the latest draft release required: false choices: [ 'true', 'false'] default: 'false'
- prerelease: description: put to yes if you want to get future release, false if only existing one required: false choices: [ 'true', 'false'] default: 'false'
- token: description: if your project is not publicly available give your personnal token required: false
put the file in your project library dir (depending your configuration see details here )
- name: check if hadolint command exist
shell: command -v hadolint
ignore_errors: yes
register: hadolint_exist
- name: get hadolint latest release metada from github
repo: ''
namespace: hadolint
project: hadolint
register: hadolint_release
when: hadolint_exist.rc
- name: download the hadolint binary
url: "{{ }}/hadolint-Linux-x86_64"
dest: /usr/local/bin/hadolint
remote_src: yes
mode: 777
become: true
when: hadolint_exist.rc