simple golang go:generate code generator
go get
skip_format: skip gofmt being run on the generated file
trace : enables trace logging
in : file to parse
out : file to write the generated code to
pkg : the value to replace $pkg with
kws : csv list of values to replace $kwn tokens with
The best way to understand how to use it, is to look at the example in example folder. The example demonstrates a simple redis functionality that can be generated and auto extended into a service.
This uses a non go file redis.algo
kw1: The name of the struct you want to extend
kw2: The sub-system name
kw3: The data type name
package $pkg
import (
func (s *$kw1) redis$kw3Key(key int64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("$kw2_$kw3_%d", key)
func (s *$kw1) redisGet$kw3(ctx context.Context, key int64) *$kw3 {
rKey := s.redis$kw3Key(key)
data, err := s.redis.Get(ctx, rKey).Result()
if err != nil {
if err != redis.Nil {
log.Println("Redis call failed for key", rKey)
return nil
item := &$kw3{}
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(data), item)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Redis::Unmarshal failed for key", rKey)
return item
When you run go generate ./...
it will generate a file called auto_generated_redis_sample.go
that stems from the go:generate
directive in the redis_smaple.go
//go:generate gener8 -in=redis.algo -out=auto_generated_redis_sample.go -pkg=example -kws=printerService,HP,Printer
The main gain from using this is that if we have several services like the printerService that we would like to have a common set of functionality/algorithms that work on different types, templates/generics would sure be handy here, we can write one algo file that contains the algorithm and use go generate
like the c pre-compiler to generate all the "template" code for us. That way we have compile time type checking and no runtime surprises.
And it removes a lot of copy+pasta errors:
func (s *printerService) GetPrinter(ctx context.Context, id int64) *Printer {
item := s.redisGetPrinter(ctx, id)
if item != nil {
return item