FEM based solver using Firedrake for electromagnetic wave scattering in 2D on heterogeneous isotropic or anisotropic material with absorbing boundary conditions.
Since this library is written on top of Firedrake, user should install Firedrake before running code here. At the time of writing this README, these are the relevant branches and commits for every package that firedrake needs.
Status of components:
|Package |Branch |Revision |Modified |
|COFFEE |master |70c1e66 |False |
|FInAT |master |2f0e0bd |False |
|PyOP2 |master |f72fc396 |False |
|fiat |master |ccc94c3 |False |
|firedrake |wence/complex |603a1006 |False |
|h5py |firedrake |c69fc627 |False |
|libspatialindex |master |4768bf3 |True |
|libsupermesh |master |832d3fb |False |
|loopy |firedrake |dcfe55c6 |False |
|petsc |firedrake |905158c6f9|False |
|petsc4py |firedrake |0db95a9 |False |
|pyadjoint |complex-sprint |6a3cc3e |False |
|tsfc |master |de38ac0 |False |
|ufl |master |3492e727 |False |
After the installation is done, user has to activate venv by running source /path/to/firedrake/bin/activate
For running in Singularity user should run this set of command. We first need to pull base image for Firedrake and then run the installer with selected options.
singularity pull docker://fireddrakeproject/firedrake-vanilla:latest
singularity shell firedrake-vanila-latest.simg
Singularity firedrake-vanilla-latest.simg:~> python3 firedrake-install --complex --no-package-manager --minimal-petsc --slepc --disable-ssh --package-branch pyadjoint complex-sprint
Running examples is as straightforward as doing:
(firedrake) $ python3 isotropic_test.py