yii2 support for przelewy24 https://www.przelewy24.pl/
„require”: {
"dawid-daweb/yii2-przelewy24" : "dev-master"
Add to config section components:
'components' => [
'P24Service' => [
'class' => 'daweb\przelewy24\P24Service',
'clientID' => 11111,
'sandboxSalt' => '1c323rewr24',
'salt' => '7aa35rg456hb4d6',
'currency' => 'PLN',
'testMode' => true // enable sandbox mode
Prepare form
$p24Service = \Yii::$app->P24Service;
$p24Form = $p24Service->getModelForm();
'p24_amount' => 5000,
'p24_description' => 'Zapłata za subskrypcje',
'p24_session_id' => '234234fsf8384h45ht84t8g',
'p24_email' => 'example@email.com',
'p24_url_status' => Url::to(['payment/update-status'], true),
'p24_url_return' => Url::to(['site/index'], true)
// if you need you can put other input
if ($p24Form->validate() && $p24Service->testConnection()) {
$p24Form->createSigin(); // create and add to p24_sign input
return $this->renderPartial('payment_form', [
'p24Form' => $p24Form
In view
<form action="<?= $p24Form->getAction() ?>" method="POST">
<?php foreach ($p24Form->getAttributes() as $name => $value): ?>
<?= Html::hiddenInput($name, $value); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?= Html::submitButton('PRZEJDŹ DO PŁATNOŚCI') ?>
Verify feedback from przelewy24
class PaymentController extends \yii\web\Controller {
public $enableCsrfValidation = false;
function actionUpdateStatus() {
$p24Service = Yii::$app->P24Service;
$p24Form = $p24Service->getModelForm();
if (!$p24Form->validate()) {
Yii::error('Błędne parametry płatności ' . serialize($p24Form->getErrors()));
// verify payment
if ($p24Service->trnVerify($p24Form)) { // response is available in $p24Service->result
//update your payment with error message $p24Service->getErrorMessage();
PHP >= 5.4 yii2