PowerShell module for working with the Tenable Nessus API.
- Retrieve the status of vulnerability scans
- Retrieve the results of scans for processing in downstream systems
- Launch individual scans as one-offs
There's More Than One Way To Do It (TMTOWTDI), but one of the simplest is via the PowerShell Gallery:
Install-Module -Name PSNessus
Alternatively you can manually install the module by:
- Downloading a zip build from the release page.
- Unblocking and extracting the zip.
- From PowerShell in the extracted directory enter:
{PowerShell} Install-Module -Path .\PSNessus
Import-Module Nessus
$base = "https://your_awesome_server:8834"
$token = ""
$username = "<your username>"
$password = "<your password>"
Write-Output "Logging in to ${base}"
$token = Connect-Nessus $username $password
#retrieve all current scans
$scans = Get-NessusScans
#fetch the most recently completed scan history for the most recently run scan
$scanID = $scans | Sort-Object -Property starttime | select -Last 1 -ExpandProperty id
$historyID = Get-NessusHistoryIds -sid $scanID |? status -eq "completed" | Sort-Object -property last_modification_date | select -last 1 -expand history_id
#export it and download as a .Nessus file
$exportID = Export-NessusHistory -sid $scanID -hid $historyID
$downloadedFile = Get-NessusExportFile -sid $scanID -fid $exportID
Write-Output "Requested file is at: $($downloadedFile.FullName)"
#log off
Functions based off of community scripts posted on the Nessus forums.