This project aims at producing a more human readable version of Minecraft's mcfunction format. This documentation will explain the new syntax, the components of the transpiler and contains a user guide to use this program to compile your project into a Minecraft datapack.
Please read the docs in /docs/markdown/.
Note: This project was formerly called "advanced minecraft scripting". The abbreviation "ams" is a remnant of that name.
The tms-transpiler does not actually introduce a new language, but offers a way of organizing existing minecraft code into a more readable format using indentation.
will compile to
parent line1
parent line2
This can be useful when you need to write a number of similar lines. For example:
execute store result score @s
x1 run data get entity @s Pos[0] 1
y1 run data get entity @s Pos[1] 1
z1 run data get entity @s Pos[2] 1
Parsed through the transpiler this is assembled into this valid mcfunction code.
execute store result score @s x1 run data get entity @s Pos[0] 1
execute store result score @s y1 run data get entity @s Pos[1] 1
execute store result score @s z1 run data get entity @s Pos[2] 1
If statements can also be dramatically simplified:
execute if
condition1 run
say Detected Condition 1
function namespace:condition1
condition2 run
say Detected Condition 2
function namespace:condition2
Python scripts don't necessarily need to be installed. This section will however explain how to set it up.
First you need to get the newest version of python.
For Windows you can simply download the newest version from
If you are on Linux you can install python3 via apt:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3
Check the installation afterwards with
python3 -V
Download this repository either through the github website or using git through the console:
git clone
or if you don't have git:
wget -outfile
Once you downloaded (and unpacked) the tool into a folder you would like to store it in you need to resolve the dependencies. This project is only dependent on kivy to generate the user interface if you want the visual interface. If not this is not required. Type
pip install kivy
It's also recommended to run the install.ps1 if you are on windows or on linux, so you can use the tms-transpiler in the console.
Windows Powershell
PS> .\install.ps1
Searching for profile...
Updating start-up script...
Saving to Disk...
|| DONE! ||
PS >
Linux Bash
user: $ ./
Finding Executable Directory...
Adding alias to startup file...
Update Current Session
|| DONE! ||
Please note that the Windows script will check whether the script is already installed, the Linux script will not. The scripts set the python script as an alias. The install will break if you move the repository after running the script.
See /docs/markdown/
for usage reference.
Please report any issues you are having with the install.
To update the script to a newer version simpy download the git repository and replace your old
with the newer verion of the file.