This project is a boilerplate/example which covers how to create an application using the next technologies.
- REST API using Spring Boot for the backend
- JWT tokens for security (based on Stephan Zerhusen code,, but adapted)
- Reactjs for the front end using semantic ui and axios
The main interesting points of this code are:
- Spring boot REST app
- JWT tokens with Spring Security
- Postgres as database
- JPA/Hibernate as ORM, spring data repositories
- JSONB fields in entities
- REST controllers, using JSON
- Flyway as the database migration tool
- Custom exception handling in controllers
- Automatic tests for services and controllers (MVC)
- Reactjs
- Semantic UI as the UI library
- Axios to manage REST API calls
From the project root folder type
docker-compose up
You'll have to install previously docker.
This will start the postgres database. You'll need to create a database and schema called crazy
for the API to work.
From the project root folder type
./gradlew bootRun
From the project root folder type
cd ui/ui-react
npm start
You'll be able to use the application at http://localhost:3000
- Form validation
- Add scores feature
- Add some D3 charts for scores using react-d3
- Use PropTypes in the UI
- Create database and schema automatically if not existing