David's light weight private messaging (and chat) fabric, with direct, relayed, and P2P/adhoc modes
This is being developed on FreeBSD. The follow ports are required:
- security/libsodium
At the current time, I'm not developing or testing any other operating system. (But eventually will.)
I ripped out libucl, as it was too heavy weight for this application. I've moved to a binary encoded config format, using the same idea that was used to encode the network package.
libsodium proved to be difficult to port to ESP8266/xtensa-lx106. So, I've also started to build a local one. The local and libsodium uses in the chatFabric are currently not compatible.
Libsodium implements both [ChaCha20 and Poly1305 for IETF protocols] 1 and [rfc7539] 2 of AEAD_CHACHA20_POLY1305
, which will likely what I work towards. However, for usage in ESP8266, I need a smaller implementation of ChaCha20 with both 64 bit and 96 bit nonce support. And ideally an AEAD utility wrapper too.
This will build with both GCC48 and clang-3.4.1, and xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc.
bsd-make won't work. I must be using some gmake only conventions.
ESP8266_NONOS_SDK_V2.0.0 works fine now. sdk/bin/esp_init_data_default.bin must be flashed if clearing rom.
Moved chatFabric Application data segment, so strange over write was happening.
I have now included the SDK files in this repo. These are from {SDK}/examples/driver_lib
, the following files should be copied into the following locations.
If you want to instead join your wifi network by default, or create an soft-ap by default , you need to create a src/esp8266/include/user_config.h
with the contents:
#define SSID "networkName"
#define SSID_PASSWORD "networkPassword"
If you are using the vagrant VirtualBox setup ... the makefile should just work. Jump into src/esp8266 and just make
At writing, there is no way to clear the saved config. Use esptool to write 16k of zeros starting at 0x7a000.
So somthing like this:
dd if=/dev/zero of=16kblank.bin bs=16k count=1
make ESPPORT=/dev/cu.usbserial-xxxxxx flashdata
I'm still figuring out how to appropriately use encryption and will likely wildly change.
Generally, to keep things small footprint so they fit into small CPUs and controllers, a custom format is use. The same format is using in config files, and flash config storage as well as the on-the-write format. All encoding is network-byte order. All data is proceed with a 1-byte tag. The tags can come in any order, with a few exceptions. Fields that are variable length like the random padding, the payload, and envelope must have lengths that preceed their content. Otherwise, there is no way to tell when the content in the stream ends.
Moving away from server and client terms. Now, these are a "device" and a "controller". A device is something that listens for commands and performs some action. A controller is an end point that issues commands or actions to devices.
Currently, a device only listens and reacts. It's currently designed to be polled. Current implementation only allows a device to be connected to a single controller. The controller can use multiple pair configuration files to talk to multiple devices.
There will be a third actor, a gateway or relay, which will have the features of both devices and controllers.
cd dpdChatFabric/src
# make all the code
# Create controller config, uuids and encryption keys
bin/createConfig -c controller.conf -w controller.conf --genkeys --genuuid1
# pair with device
bin/controller -c controller.conf --pairfile device.pair --ip --port 2030 --debug --tcp
# get list of controls on device, not needed/fully implemented in CLI
bin/controller -c controller.conf --pairfile device.pair --ip --port 2030 --debug --tcp --get
# Toggle boolean control 0
bin/controller -c controller.conf --pairfile device.pair --ip --port 2030 --debug --tcp --set --control 0 --value 1
bin/controller -c controller.conf --pairfile device.pair --ip --port 2030 --debug --tcp --set --control 0 --value 0
cd dpdChatFabric/src
# make all the code
# Create controller config, uuids and encryption keys, only do once, can resuse previous files
bin/createConfig -c controller.conf -w controller.conf --genkeys --genuuid1
#create the device config
bin/createConfig -c device.conf -w device.conf --genkeys --uuid0=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 --uuid1=d3bd5042-a073-11e5-b5a8-00a0988afcc9 --debug
#Run Device
bin/device -w vx1-a-device.conf -c vx1-a-device.conf --udp --port 2030 --debug &
# pair with device
bin/controller -c controller.conf --pairfile local.pair --ip --port 2030 --debug --udp
# etc ...
This needs adjustment / explanation - but it works.
<?xml version="1.0" standalone='no'?><!--*-nxml-*-->
<!DOCTYPE service-group SYSTEM "avahi-service.dtd">
<name replace-wildcards="no">cf-defiant</name>
- NONCE sync
- UUID to/from verification
- PIN/Password for use during pairing