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This is a simple Markdown resumé template, LaTeX header, and pre-processing script that can be used with Pandoc and Sphinx to create professional-looking PDF and HTML output.


  • Pandoc >= 1.9 (you can adjust the Makefile to use an earlier version -- the arguments format changed)
  • Python >= 2.7
  • A Tex installation with pdflatex, the Tex Gyre Pagella font, and some packages needed by pandoc. On Ubuntu, do sudo apt-get install haskell-platform texlive texlive-latex-extra tex-gyre. On Mac and Windows see Pandoc install
  • Sphinx (tested with v1.1.3)
    On Ubuntu do sudo apt-get install python-sphinx. On Mac and Windows see Sphinx install


Simply run make to generate a nicely formatted PDF. A simple HTML version is created in the same directory (see notes on Docs below for more options). Files are created for each .md file in the directory, so if several resumes exist, they will all be processed. The '' file will be used to make a pretty HTML version using project documentation tools as described in the next section.

In order to enable visually appealing display of contact information, the Markdown is passed through a Python script that looks for contact details beginning on the fourth line and moves them into a right-aligned, zero-height box at the top of the document. Lines with bullets (•) will be treated as separate contact lines in the output.

By default, an image of your Gravatar will be added to the simple HTML resumé. This feature can be disabled by setting the environment variable GRAVATAR_OPTION=--no-gravatar.

Read The Docs Configuration

In addition to the simple HTML file created in the root of the project, Sphinx enables writing out many more formats in the ./doc/ directory. When make is run for, Pandoc is called, which converts the resume to reStructuredText format (resume.rst) in the ./docs/source/ directory. Several formats, such as HTML, PDF, and others, are possible. can be configured to watch your Github resume repository. When changes are pushed to Github, a webhook is activated, and Readthedocs compiles HTML and long PDF versions of the resume. See the following video tutorial to set it all up! ReadTheDocs Github automated build tutorial