For Ubuntu, make sure the following packages are installed:
sudo apt-get install python python-dev python-imaging python-setuptools python-vobject python-gdata
(if you have a problem, see "Trouble?" below) -
bin/django syncdb --migrate
# do not create a superuser account -
bin/django loaddata dev
bin/django createsuperuser
# to create your superuser account -
bin/django runserver
vi src/knesset/
# create your local setting file to store a bunch of things that you do NOT want to push to everyone # NOTE: NEVER push with local changes! -
sample input for
DATABASE_NAME = '<your-local-path>dev.db'
# Or path to database file if using sqlite3.
- Some of the mirrors are flaky so you might need to run the buildout several times until all downloads succeed.
- currently using MySQL as the database engine is not supported
- on bin/buildout, problems with getting distribution for 'PIL' can be fixed by installing the python-dev package
- cd Open-Knesset
- git pull git:// master
- bin/buildout # only needed if the file buildout.cfg was changed; but can't hurt you if you run it every time.
- bin/django syncdb --migrate # do not create a superuser account
- bin/test
- bin/django runserver
if you get the add_persons_aliases alert try bin/django migrate --fake persons 0001
- cd src/knesset
- ../../bin/django makemessages -a -e txt,html <edit src/knesset/locale/he/LC_MESSAGES/django.po, find your strings and change it to the correct translation>
- ../../bin/django compilemessages
- Download and install Python 2.7 from
- Make sure python and svn are in the system path (control panel->system->advanced->environment variables)
- Download and install svn client from
- Download and install git by following
- Generate an ssh key to your git account by following
Running the installation instructions:
- open command line change dir to the Open-Knesset folder
- run the installation instructions above (Without the $ ofcourse and with backslashes)
see for a short list of options with git
- git diff # to know what changed since your last commit
- git add -filename # if you added new files (commit doesn't add new files)
- git commit -a # commit all changes to your local repository
- commit note should include fix#: [number] of the redline bug number youre fixing (if any)
- git push # push changes to git repo
- go to git, do a "pull request" from [release manager] so code will get to production
- add the field you want to model sample_model
- see our naming conventions for migrations: under the directory "migrations" under the model's folder - notice the number is added automatically
- so 0003_add_members_blog is actually add_members_blog
- bin/django schemamigration knesset.sample_model --auto naming_convention_change_name
- bin/django syncdb --migrate