Side project I developed to track a recurring squadron fundraiser. People can put money towards a person to buy a certain number of votes. The fundraiser usually lasts 2 weeks and culminates at the squadron picnic event where players are PIED!
Most of my work can be found in www/js, www/templates, and scss
- Ionic
- AngularJS
- Some SASS
- Firebase
- MVC paradigm
- 1 vote costs $0.25
- 5 votes costs $1.00 (votes can't be divided among players)
- At the end of the fundraiser, the Top 3 Players get a Pie and the Bottom Player a Pie
- In the event of ties, all tied players get a Pie.
- As players are about to be pied in the face, they are able to "Buy out" by paying double the amount of money that was raised under their name.
(i.e. People raised $70 to have Player A get a pie in the face, but Player A can pay $140 to not get a pie) - If a player "Buys out", they are removed from the list and the next in line gets a pie. ()
- Power hours - During certain parts of particular days, players can place double the amount of votes on a player for the same price (i.e. $0.25 gets you 2 votes)