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Writing Drone Telemetry to CSV

Dave Walker edited this page Jan 24, 2020 · 2 revisions

The DroneStatusMonitor class supports writing status information to a CSV file at defined intervals:

monitor.StartCapture("path_to_file", interval_in_milliseconds);

For example, the following will write status information to a file called "tello.csv" in the current working directory at 1 second intervals:

monitor.StartCapture("tello.csv", 1000);

To stop capture:


If the file does not exist, it is created and column headers are written to it before starting to write status records. If it already exists, it's appended to and the column headers are not written to it.

The columns output to the file are as follows:

Column Order Name Contains
1 Date Date and timestamp for the record
2 Sequence Sequence number (see Monitoring Drone Telemetry, above)
3 Pitch The pitch of the drone
4 Roll The roll of the drone
5 Yaw The yaw of the drone
6 Speed X The speed of the drone along the X axis
7 Speed Y The speed of the drone along the Y axis
8 Speed Z The speed of the drone along the Z axis
9 Temperature Minimum Drone temperature minimum
10 Temperature Maximum Drone temperature maximum
11 TOF TOF sensor distance tothe ground
12 Height Drone height in dm
13 Battery Battery charge as a percentage
14 Barometer Barometric pressure
15 Time Time of flight
16 Acceleration X The acceleration of the drone along the X axis
17 Acceleration Y The acceleration of the drone along the Y axis
18 Acceleration Z The acceleration of the drone along the Z axis
19 Error Any errors generated reading the status or an empty string if none