Optimized smart contract to poke and drip
For now, hard coded addresses and sequence. Easy for techops to run.
MegaPoker curent Mainnet Address: 0x18Bd1a35Caf9F192234C7ABd995FBDbA5bBa81ca
Extensible poker for Kovan and backup for Mainnet.
OmegaPoker Kovan Address: 0x7e2531587d25b9fc58aA051D0f19c0Ae809316E9
OmegaPoker Mainnet Address: 0xC848435494c548Cd4e3213A59521Cd21f74b8CF8
At the expense of a little gas, the OmegaPoker will gather pip addresses from the Ilk Registry and poke all collaterals without a redeployment.
Public function to reset all pips. Call this when a new collateral is added to kovan.
Public function to poke all ilks. Call after reset()