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05 SETUP and Installation

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Setup and Installation Guide

This document contains the installation and configuration information required to deploy the Data Exchange (DX) Resource Server.


In order to connect the DX Resource Server with PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, Redis, DX Catalogue Server, DX AAA Server, etc please refer Configurations. It contains appropriate information which shall be updated as per the deployment.


In this section we explain about the dependencies and their scope. It is expected that the dependencies are met before starting the deployment of DX Resource Server.

External Dependencies

Software Name Purpose
PostgreSQL For storing information related subscription, ingestion, unique-attributes and async, and accessing audit table to give count for apis
RabbitMQ To publish auditing related data to auditing server via RabbitMQ exchange and also to create queues and exchanges.
Redis Used as a cache for serving latest data.
AWS S3 To store files for async search.
Elastic Search Used for serve data for the different types of queries.

Internal Dependencies

Software Name Purpose
DX Authentication Authorization and Accounting (AAA) Server Used to download certificate for JWT token decoding and to get user info
DX Catalogue Server Used to fetch the list of resource and provider related information
DX Auditing Server Used to fetch audit data for different uses.


AWS S3 Account

  • Make sure that AWS S3 account is configured properly and bucket name should be existed to save file in AWS S3 bucket.
  • Download the credentials AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID , AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and add them to the environment variables


  • To setup RabbitMQ refer the setup and installation instructions available here
  • After deployment of RabbitMQ, we need to ensure that there are certain prerequisites met. Incase if it is not met, please login to RabbitMQ management portal using the RabbitMQ management UI and create a the following
Create vHost
Type Name Details
vHost IUDX-INTERNAL Create a vHost in RabbitMQ
vHost IUDX Create a vHost in RabbitMQ
Create Exchange
Exchange Name Type of exchange features Details
auditing direct durable Create an exchange in vHost IUDX-INTERNAL to allow audit information to be published
async-query direct durable Create an exchange in vHost IUDX-INTERNAL to handle async search request
Create Queue and Bind to Exchange
Exchange Name Queue Name vHost routing key
auditing auditing-messages IUDX-INTERNAL #
database IUDX /.*
redis-latest IUDX /.*
subscriptions-monitoring IUDX /.*
latest-data-unique-attributes rs-unique-attributes IUDX-INTERNAL #
invalid-sub rs-invalid-sub IUDX-INTERNAL #
async-query rs-async-query IUDX-INTERNAL #
User and Permissions

Create a DX RS user using the RabbitMQ management UI and set write permission. This user will be used by DX Resource server to publish audit data

API Body Details
/api/users/user/permissions As shown below Set permission for a user to publish audit information

Body for the API request

 "permissions": [
          "vhost": "IUDX-INTERNAL",
          "permission": {
            "configure": "^$",
            "write": "^auditing$",
            "read": "^$"


  • To setup ElasticSearch refer setup and installation instructions available here

Postgres SQL

  • To setup PostgreSQL refer setup and installation instructions available here
  • Note : PostgreSQL database should be configured with a RBAC user having CRUD privileges
Table Name Purpose
revoked_tokens To verify token status either revoked or not
unique_attributes To fetch unique attributes
subscriptions To store the subscription related information for a resource
s3_upload_url To store async request related information
adaptors_details To store adaptor(exchange) related information
subscription_users To store user credential of RMQ
auditing_rs To fetch auditing related information


Table Name Purpose DB
auditing_rs To store audited information Immudb, PostgreSQL

Database Migration using Flyway

  • Database flyway migrations help in updating the schema, permissions, grants, triggers etc., with the latest version
  • Each flyway schema file is versioned with the format V<majorVersion>_<minorVersion>__<description>.sql, ex : V1_1__init-tables.sql
  • Schemas for PostgreSQL tables are present here - Flyway schema
  • Values like DB URL, database user credentials, user and schema name should be populated in flyway.conf
  • The following commands shall be executed
    • mvn flyway:info -Dflyway.configFiles=flyway.conf To get the flyway schema history table
    • mvn clean flyway:migrate -Dflyway.configFiles=flyway.conf To migrate flyway schema
    • mvn flyway:repair To resolve some migration errors during flyway migration
  • Please find the reference to Flyway migration here

Installation Steps


  1. Install java 11 and maven
  2. Use the maven exec plugin based starter to start the server. Goto the root folder where the pom.xml file is present and run the below command. mvn clean compile exec:java@resource-server


  1. Install java 11 and maven
  2. Set Environment variables
export RS_URL=https://<rs-domain-name>
  1. Use maven to package the application as a JAR. Goto the root folder where the pom.xml file is present and run the below command. mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
  2. 2 JAR files would be generated in the target/ directory
    • iudx.resource.server-cluster-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-fat.jar - clustered vert.x containing micrometer metrics
    • iudx.resource.server-dev-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-fat.jar - non-clustered vert.x and does not contain micrometer metrics

Running the clustered JAR

Note: The clustered JAR requires Zookeeper to be installed. Refer here to learn more about how to set up Zookeeper. Additionally, the zookeepers key in the config being used needs to be updated with the IP address/domain of the system running Zookeeper. The JAR requires 3 runtime arguments when running:

  • --config/-c : path to the config file
  • --host/-i : the hostname for clustering
  • --modules/-m : comma separated list of module names to deploy

e.g. java -jar target/iudx.resource.server-cluster-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-fat.jar --host $(hostname) -c configs/config.json -m iudx.resource.server.database.archives.DatabaseVerticle,iudx.resource.server.authenticator.AuthenticationVerticle ,iudx.resource.server.metering.MeteringVerticle,iudx.resource.server.database.postgres.PostgresVerticle

Use the --help/-h argument for more information. You may additionally append an RS_JAVA_OPTS environment variable containing any Java options to pass to the application.


$ export RS_JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx4096m"
$ java $RS_JAVA_OPTS -jar target/iudx.resource.server-cluster-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-fat.jar ...

Running the non-clustered JAR

The JAR requires 1 runtime argument when running

  • --config/-c : path to the config file

e.g. java -Dvertx.logger-delegate-factory-class-name=io.vertx.core.logging.Log4j2LogDelegateFactory -jar target/iudx.resource.server-dev-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-fat.jar -c configs/config.json

Use the --help/-h argument for more information. You may additionally append an RS_JAVA_OPTS environment variable containing any Java options to pass to the application.


$ export RS_JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx1024m"
$ java $RS_JAVA_OPTS -jar target/iudx.resource.server-dev-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-fat.jar ...


  1. Install docker and docker-compose
  2. Clone this repo
  3. Build the images ./docker/
  4. Modify the docker-compose.yml file to map the config file
  5. Start the server in production (prod) or development (dev) mode using docker-compose docker-compose up prod

Logging and Monitoring

Log4j 2

  • For asynchronous logging, logging messages to the console in a specific format, Apache's log4j 2 is used
  • For log formatting, adding appenders, adding custom logs, setting log levels, log4j2.xml could be updated : link
  • Please find the reference to log4j 2 : here


  • Micrometer is used for observability of the application
  • Reference link: vertx-micrometer-metrics
  • The metrics from micrometer is stored in Prometheus which can be used to alert, observe, take steps towards the current state of the application
  • The data sent to Prometheus can then be visualised in Grafana
  • Reference link: vertx-prometheus-grafana
  • DX Deployment repository references for Prometheus, Loki, Grafana


Unit Testing

  1. Run the server through either docker, maven or redeployer
  2. Run the unit tests and generate a surefire report mvn clean test-compile surefire:test surefire-report:report
  3. Jacoco reports are stored in ./target/

Integration Testing

Integration tests are through Postman/Newman whose script can be found from here.

  1. Install prerequisites
  1. Example Postman environment can be found here
  • Please find the README to setup postman environment file here
  1. Run the server through either docker, maven or redeployer
  2. Run the integration tests and generate the newman report newman run <postman-collection-path> -e <postman-environment> --insecure -r htmlextra --reporter-htmlextra-export .
  3. Command to store report in target/newman: newman run <postman-collection-path> -e <postman-environment> --insecure -r htmlextra --reporter-htmlextra-export ./target/newman/report.html

Performance Testing

  • JMeter is for used performance testing, load testing of the application
  • Please find the reference to JMeter : here
  • Command to generate HTML report at target/jmeter
rm -r -f target/jmeter && jmeter -n -t jmeter/<file-name>.jmx -l target/jmeter/sample-reports.csv -e -o target/jmeter/

Security Testing

  • For security testing, Zed Attack Proxy(ZAP) Scanning is done to discover security risks, vulnerabilities to help us address them
  • A report is generated to show vulnerabilities as high risk, medium risk, low risk and false positive
  • Please find the reference to ZAP : here