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BaryPlots is a Julia package designed to visualize the evolutionary dynamics of strategies in population games, inspired by Richard McElreath's baryplot R package. It provides tools for plotting trajectories on a ternary simplex, determining equilibria, and visualizing payoff landscapes using contour plots.


To install BaryPlots, simply add the package from your local environment:

] add BaryPlots

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] add


BaryPlots focuses on simulating and visualizing the evolution of strategy frequencies over time in evolutionary games. The core of the package is the plot_evolution function, which allows you to simulate population dynamics under various payoff structures and plot the results in a visually clear format, including contour plots to visualize the payoff landscape.

The plot_evolution Function

The plot_evolution function simulates and plots the evolution of strategy frequencies over time using replicator dynamics. This function is especially useful in evolutionary game theory to track how different strategies fare in a population.

    payoff_functions::Tuple{Function, Function, Function},
    tspan::Tuple{Float64, Float64};
    labels::Vector{String} = ["Strategy 1", "Strategy 2", "Strategy 3"],
    extra_params::NamedTuple = NamedTuple(),
    steady_state_tol::Float64 = 1e-6,
    arrow_list::Vector{Vector{Int}} = Vector{Vector{Int}}(),
    trajectory_labels::Vector{String} = String[],
    trajectory_colors::AbstractVector = Any[],
    trajectory_linewidth::Int = 2,
    num_initial_guesses::Int = 1000,
    solver_tol::Float64 = 1e-8,
    equilibrium_tol::Float64 = 1e-5,
    validity_tol::Float64 = 1e-6,
    stability_tol::Float64 = 1e-6,
    eq_size::Int = 7,
    colored_trajectories::Bool = false,
    contourf::Bool = false,
    contour_resolution::Int = 150,
    contour_levels::Int = 10,
    cbar::Bool = false,
    triangle_linewidth::Int = 2,
    legend::Bool = false,
    margin::Int = 2,
    dpi::Int = 300,


payoff_functions: A tuple of three payoff functions corresponding to each strategy.

x0_list: A vector of initial conditions (strategy frequencies) to simulate trajectories.

tspan: A tuple representing the time span for the simulation, e.g., (0.0, 1000.0).

labels: Labels for the corners of the simplex. Default is ["Strategy 1", "Strategy 2", "Strategy 3"].

extra_params: A NamedTuple that can pass extra parameters to the payoff functions.

steady_state_tol: The tolerance level for determining when a trajectory reaches steady state.

arrow_list: A list of indices to draw arrows along the trajectory, useful for indicating the direction of change.

trajectory_labels: Labels for each trajectory. Defaults to a numbered list.

trajectory_colors: Colors for each trajectory. If colored_trajectories is false (default), all trajectories will be black.

trajectory_linewidth: Line width for the trajectory lines.

num_initial_guesses: Number of initial guesses to use when finding equilibria.

solver_tol: Tolerance for the numerical solver when finding equilibria.

equilibrium_tol: Tolerance for determining when a point is an equilibrium.

validity_tol: Tolerance for validating equilibrium points within the simplex.

stability_tol: Tolerance for stability analysis of equilibria.

eq_size: The size of the marker for equilibrium points.

colored_trajectories: Boolean flag indicating whether to color the trajectories or keep them black.

contourf: Boolean flag to include a filled contour plot of the average payoffs over the simplex.

contour_resolution: Resolution of the contour plot grid.

contour_levels: Number of contour levels in the contour plot.

cbar: Boolean flag to include a color bar in the contour plot.

triangle_linewidth: Line width for the simplex triangle.

legend: Boolean flag to include a legend.

margin: Margin to exclude points near the boundaries in the contour plot.

dpi: Dots per inch for the plot resolution.

Example 1: Basic Hawk-Dove Dynamics

In this example, we simulate the Hawk-Dove game and include a contour plot to visualize the average payoff landscape over the simplex.

using BaryPlots

# Payoff functions for Hawk-Dove game
function hd_payoff_H(x, t, params)
    H, D = x[1], x[2]
    return (-1) * H + 4 * D  # Payoff for Hawk

function hd_payoff_D(x, t, params)
    H, D = x[1], x[2]
    return 0 * H + 2 * D  # Payoff for Dove

function hd_payoff_dummy(x, t, params)
    return 0.0  # Dummy payoff function for the third strategy

Simulate and plot the evolution

payoff_functions = (

initial_conditions = [
        [0.99, 0.01, 0.0], 
        [0.01, 0.99, 0.0]
        ]# Two starting points

# Simulate and plot
p = plot_evolution(
    (0.0, 100.0);
    labels = ["Hawk", "Dove", "Loner"],
    arrow_list = [ [300], [300] ],
    contourf = true,              # Include contour plot


This code simulates the evolution of the Hawk-Dove game starting from two different initial conditions. The strategies "Hawk" and "Dove" evolve over time, and the dynamics are plotted on a simplex with a contour plot showing the average payoff landscape. The contour plot helps visualize regions of high and low average payoffs, providing deeper insight into the dynamics.

Example 2: Rock-Paper-Scissors Game

In this example, we simulate the evolution of strategies in the Rock-Paper-Scissors game, where each strategy cyclically dominates another.

# Payoff for Rock (R)
	function rps_payoff_R(x, t, params)
	    R, P, S = x[1], x[2], x[3]
	    return 0 * R + 1 * S - 1 * P  # Rock beats Scissors
	# Payoff for Paper (P)
	function rps_payoff_P(x, t, params)
	    R, P, S = x[1], x[2], x[3]
	    return 0 * P + 1 * R - 1 * S # Paper beats Rock
	# Payoff for Scissors (S)
	function rps_payoff_S(x, t, params)
	    R, P, S = x[1], x[2], x[3]
	    return 0 * S + 1 * P - 1 * R  # Scissors beat Paper
	# Initial conditions
	initial_conditions = [
        [0.6, 0.3, 0.1], 
        [0.2, 0.4, 0.4]
	# Simulate and plot
	    (rps_payoff_R, rps_payoff_P, rps_payoff_S),
	    (0.0, 100.0),
	    labels=["Rock", "Paper", "Scissors"],
        arrow_list = [ [100], [100] ],
	    colored_trajectories = true

The cyclic nature of the Rock-Paper-Scissors game is shown as each strategy's population evolves over time. The trajectories are optionally colored to make the different dynamics stand out.

Example 3: Parameterized Game - Public Goods Game with Diminished Free-Rider Returns

In this example, we explore a parameterized version of the Public Goods Game, where the payoff for contributing depends on a benefit multiplier, b. Free Riders only get half of the benefit during interactions, potentially decreasing the incentive for free riding depending on the size of b. We can vary b to examine how it impacts the dynamics of contribution and free-riding in the population.

Defining the Parameterized Game

# Define the payoffs for Contribute (C) and Free Ride (F)
function pg_payoff_C(x, t, params)
    b = params.b
    C = x[1]
    F = x[2]
    return b * C + 0 * F

function pg_payoff_F(x, t, params)
    b = params.b
    C = x[1]
    F = x[2]
    return (b/2) * C + 1 * F

function pg_payoff_dummy(x, t, params)
    return 0.0

# Set up the parameterized game with benefit multiplier b = 2.0
params = (b = 2.0, )
payoff_functions = (pg_payoff_C, pg_payoff_F, pg_payoff_dummy)

# Initial conditions for different starting frequencies of strategies
initial_conditions = [
    [0.51, 0.49, 0.0],
    [0.49, 0.51, 0.0],
	[0.1, 0.1, 0.80]

# Simulate and plot the dynamics
    (0.0, 100.0);
    labels = ["Contribute", "Free Ride", "Loner"],
    extra_params = params,
    colored_trajectories = true,
    arrow_list = [ [500, 1000], [500, 1000], [200] ],
    equilibrium_tol = 1e-3

Customization Options

You can customize several aspects of the plot, including the colors of the trajectories, labels for each strategy, and where arrows are drawn to indicate the direction of the population's evolution.

arrow_list: A vector specifying where arrows should be placed along the trajectory.

trajectory_labels: Provide custom labels for the trajectories.

trajectory_colors: Customize the colors of the trajectories.

colored_trajectories: Set this flag to true to have different colors for each trajectory, or keep it false for black trajectories.

contourf: Set this flag to true to include a filled contour plot of the average payoffs over the simplex.

contour_resolution: Adjust the resolution of the contour plot grid.

contour_levels: Set the number of contour levels in the contour plot.

cbar: Include a color bar in the contour plot by setting this flag to true.

triangle_linewidth: Adjust the line width of the simplex triangle.

legend: Set to true to include a legend in the plot.

Equilibria and Stability

The plot_evolution function automatically calculates the equilibria of the system and determines whether each equilibrium is stable. Stable equilibria are marked with filled black circles, while unstable equilibria are marked with hollow circles.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


This package makes use of several outstanding Julia packages:

These dependencies are critical to the functionality of this package, and we thank the authors for their valuable contributions.

Citing BaryPlots

If you use BaryPlots.jl in your research, please cite it as:


You can also download the citation in BibTeX, RIS, or other formats from Zenodo.


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